Chapter #17

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In her frustration and anger, Alexia sought solace in the Room of Requirement. As she paced back and forth, the room transformed to reflect her turbulent emotions. The walls, usually adorned with tapestries and shelves of hidden wonders, now flickered with shadows of her inner turmoil.

The atmosphere crackled with a tangible intensity, mirroring Alexia's pent-up frustration. The air seemed charged as if it held the weight of her emotions. The room, a canvas of her inner conflict, displayed a dance of shadows that echoed her tumultuous state of mind.

Amid this emotional tempest, a single portrait hung on the wall. It depicted a woman with brown hair cascading around her shoulders and light skin. Her eyes held a knowing gaze, coupled with a small, enigmatic smile that seemed to acknowledge Alexia's presence.

The woman in the portrait addressed Alexia by name, catching her off guard. "Alexia Jackson," she said, her voice resonating within the charged space. "I've been watching you."

As Alexia continued to question Isadora Morganach's presence, the woman acknowledged the frustration and anger she sensed in the room. Isadora: "I sense your disruption, Alexia. The room reflects your emotions."

Alexia, still demanding answers, asked, "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

Isadora calmly replied, "I am Isadora Morganach, and your name echoes through the magical tapestry that binds us."

Alexia, surprised, retorted, "I've been reading about you. What's the connection? What do you want?"

"I am Isadora Morganach. A name that may echo through the pages of history yet remains veiled in an enigma. There is much to the tale of my existence, but like the shifting sands, not all can be revealed at once."

As Isadora's words lingered in the air, the room retained its elusive ambiance. Shadows played on the walls, casting a dance of secrecy and curiosity. Alexia, though still brimming with questions, sensed that she was standing at the precipice of a narrative that extended beyond the limits of her current understanding.

Isadora continued her voice a soft murmur within the charged atmosphere. "You, Alexia, bear a connection to a story that intertwines with mine. A story of choices, sacrifices, and the intricate tapestry of fate. But unraveling the threads requires patience and understanding."

The portrait, with its enigmatic smile, seemed to hold more secrets than it was willing to share. 

"Fantastic, another secret... What is it with women hiding things from me nowadays?" She says, rolling her eyes and turning away from the portrait.

As Alexia turned to leave the Room of Requirement, a palpable frustration lingered in the air. Unbeknownst to her, the room itself responded to the latent power within her, and objects began to levitate, dancing around her in a subtle display of a certain type of magic. Books hovered in mid-air, and the very essence of the room seemed to echo her internal turmoil.

Isadora, the portrait's gaze following Alexia's every step, observed the phenomenon with a knowing look. "The power within you stirs, Alexia Jackson. It reacts to the turbulent emotions you carry, responding in ways that mirror the depths of your own existence."

Yet, Alexia, absorbed in her internal conflict, remained oblivious to the ethereal dance surrounding her. The levitating objects gently circled, as if caught in an unseen current, underscoring the mysterious connection between her emotions and the latent magic that lay dormant within.


In the aftermath of her confrontation with Alexia, Hermione felt an uneasy heaviness settle in her chest. The knowledge that she had unintentionally aggravated her only friend at the moment gnawed at her thoughts, casting a shadow over her typically sharp focus. The library, once a sanctuary for her, now seemed colder, and the solitude she usually found comfort in felt isolating.

Hermione flipped through the pages of her book, her eyes scanning the words without truly absorbing their meaning. Guilt clung to her like a persistent shadow, and the sense of loss over the strained friendship with Alexia added an extra layer of desolation. She knew she had to find a way to mend the growing rift between them, but the uncertainty of how to do so weighed heavily on her mind.

As she absentmindedly turned another page, the absence of the lively discussions and shared laughter with Alexia and the boys became more pronounced. Hermione found herself yearning for the camaraderie they had built together, and the loneliness that replaced it felt like an unwanted companion. She couldn't shake the feeling that a crucial piece of her Hogwarts experience was slipping away, and the prospect of facing it alone left her unsettled.

Hermione then remembered the book Alexia was reading, she knew Alexia never takes books out of the library (something she has always found odd), she gingerly reached for the book that Alexia had been engrossed in, her fingers tracing the spine delicately. The library, usually a place of solace, now seemed charged with an undercurrent of tension. Opening the book, she dove into the pages, eager to uncover its secrets and, perhaps, find a connection that could bridge the growing gap between her and Alexia.

As she delved into the text, Hermione's eyes widened with each revelation. The words painted a vivid picture of a prophecy, an ancient foretelling of a figure destined to emerge as the savior of the wizarding world. The gravity of the prophecy hung in the air, intertwining with the uncertain fate of a certain witch, Hermione fearing it could be her Alex.

The intricate details of the prophecy hinted at a journey filled with challenges, darkness, and the potential for salvation. Hermione's mind raced as she contemplated the implications of this newfound knowledge. Could Alexia be the prophesied figure? The weight of such a destiny, unknown to Alexia herself, added another layer of complexity to their already turbulent situation.

Caught between the pages of the book and the unspoken tension in the library, Hermione felt a surge of determination. Armed with the prophecy, she hoped to find a way to reconnect with Alexia, to share this discovery and, in doing so, rekindle the friendship that meant so much to both of them.

Hermione's focus on the prophecy was interrupted by a voice, and as she turned, she was met with the unexpected sight of Alexia. Startled, she hastily closed the book, trying to estimate Alexia's mood. Before she could utter a word, Alexia spoke, her tone dismissive.

"I wouldn't bother with that prophecy; it's about someone from 1890," Alexia stated, her eyes scanning the shelves for another book. Hermione couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and frustration. The revelation had initially seemed significant, yet Alexia's unconcerned response left her slightly perplexed.

Trying to convey the importance she sensed in the prophecy, Hermione insisted, "But Alex, there's something about it, something that feels relevant to what's happening now. We should explore it further."

Alexia's demeanor remained unchanged as she retrieved a different book from the shelf. "Trust me, Hermione, it's not relevant. It's just a piece of history," she replied, her focus on the new book she held.

Hermione, torn between her eagerness to share the newfound knowledge and Alexia's apparent disinterest, watched as her friend immersed herself in the alternative text, and sat next to a Hufflepuff girl, she remembered as Emily. The air in the library hung heavy with tension, and Hermione couldn't shake the feeling that the prophecy held more secrets than Alexia was willing to acknowledge.

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