Chapter 34

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Tine couldn't help because Krist threatening words work tho, his friend looks like he's  done with hum so with no other choice the nervous wrecked Omega stood up from his seat and took off his top and sweatpants thinking what his pervert friends had in their mind for him by asking him to get naked. Tine stood still sure enough in his plain white bra and plain white panties in front of his two friends. Krist had his eyes wide as he blows a whistle looking at Tine from top to bottom in a very perverted way while Gulf commented sternly "You got a nice and sexy body, babe but what we want is you to take off all your clothes, undergarments is a part of your clothes". Tine expression scowled at that but his other two friends were quick to understand his inner turmoil as they observe Tine for a moment then nonetheless both began to took off their bikinis and threw it on the floor at the same time and stood completely naked in front of Tine as Krist then asked "Now ..will you?". Tine sigh hard in defeated also feeling slight mortified for showing himself  bare to other people but he still decided to trust his only friends with whatever they are up to. In few second Tine was standing all naked after throwing his bra and panties on to the floor. Even though  Tine trusted Gulf and Krist with his life still he couldn't bring himself to look into their eyes but slowly his gaze went on to their sexy body parts and the poor Omega couldn't stop himself to appreciate the sentiments of having two pervert friends who is ready to be with him in every step.  All three took a moment to admire each other naked body, as all were having killer and sexy body not to mention silky and smooth fair skin to flaunt on their husband.

Suddenly both naked Gulf and naked  Krist began to walk around Tine in circles, as they look intently at Tine's naked body. Tine  closed his eyes, he felt uneasy, little fear and slight panicked thinking what's coming next to him. He took a long breath to calm himself down as he felt the piercing  gaze of his two friends on his naked skin. After completing the round Gulf stands in front of Tine and grabs his both shoulder in his hands softly stating "Relax it's just us....". By reflex Tine jumped on his spot at his friend touch and his breath hitched. Krist couldn't  stop himself and scowled raising his eyebrows at  the poor Omega "Oh man.. this is the big problem G .....look Tine no need to get so rigid at other person touch specially who are closer to you". Tine slowly look up at his two friends in the eyes as in response Gulf nods assuringly that everything is going to be fine. Tine took a deep breath and tried to calm his nervousness of being naked in front of his naked friends. Gulf then stated "I guess you never pleasure yourself... but babe Our body is meant to feel pleasure. It is our biggest weapon. You need to learn how to use it and take advantage of it. Your husband seems really hungry to fuck you at any cost, he wants to make you his submissive Omega. And Now that he had seen you inside out he must be dying to claim his virgin Omega p asap. He must be already making plans about how to get you. And believe me all Alpha men are same when it comes to virgin p. But if you play your card well and right you can have Sarawat Guntituthon wrapped around your little finger in no time for life".

Tine frown and look curiously as he ask "What do you mean, G? How can I ...?". In response Krist rolled his eyes as he answered before Gulf says anything "What G means is.. if you want to make Sarawat fall for you then you have to become a different person. Be confident, clever, sexy in front of him but dont give in easily. Good thing for you is Sarawat is already seduced after looking at your hot figure. You have that innocent sexiness in you that will keep him on the edge". Gulf nods his head then added "Yes You're hot and got sexy figure. You just need to learn few important things, about when to be submissive and when not to melt down at the sight of your Alpha. You need to balance your act in front of your devil husband". Tine question curiously "Act?". Krist explain "In front of him be sensual use your body, grab his attention get into Sarawat's head, play with him... show him but but don't give him anything easily. Let him work hard for it, make him more hungry and more desperate for you".

Tine slowly nods though there were lot of things he didn't understand but surely he like the idea of playing woth his devil husband and bending him to love him for real. This way Sarawat will only think about him all the time but does he really want that after looking at his monstrous C ohh god love or sex?? Big dilemma. Tine couldn't decide in the end he flatly stated "I don't think it's good idea..... His thing is really very... big ".... Gulf sigh out as he explained "Sure enough it's good to have a big c, the bigger, the better, more bigger more pleasure lead to wonderful and mind blowing ecstasy that will show you the whole galaxyin front of your eyes. You should be happy for it and not scared. One thing is sure that you have to give in to him at one pointafterall he's  your husband and your Alpha but if you react the same way you did this morning after touching his c then maybe he could loose interest in you and go find someone else in to fuck".

Both friends explain few more things to Tine like he needs to get a hold over his fear over on his husband's big c and how at the same time how he can feel immense pleasure with it verbally. Now that they know Sarawat is dominant, maybe at some point he can force himself on his Omega because Alpha don't care and if that happens it will be worse especially  when Sarawat is still clueless about his feelings for Tine, the Omega  who has never been touched. After hearing everything Tine asked "So what am I suppose to do when he's around?". Gulf and Krist glanced at each other then Gulf asked "Close your eyes and wait here for me". Tine nods and after glancing at krist he wait for Gulf after a minute or so he suddenly felt gulf returning and soon something cold and weird touching on his neck. At first Tine wanted jumped to but he control himself and tried to stay on his spot and stand still as much as possible. Gulf move the thing around on to Tine's neck and collarbone then slowly it began to vibrate and made the poor Omega to feel very weird when Gulf drags it bit below. 

Tine began to count 1 to 15 as he felt goosebump rose on his entire  fair skin. His one mind telling him its the same things he touched thos morning but other doesn't  want to agree and how could he there's no men in the house who is having a c that would roam all around on his upper body. It was just impossible still Tine  couldn't point out what is the thing that was touching his skin soon Gulf ordered softly "Open your eyes babe". The poor Omega slowly opened  his eyes and look at his friend face right in front then his gaze went on to his breast where the thing tip  was began to roll around his nipple, the sight instantly  made Tine  breath hitched, never knew fake c exist.  What in the heaven sake the person was thinking before  they decided to invent such things.  The Omega thought his heart will jump out from his chest, as Krist was quick to rub his back soothingly in attempt to calm his friend down. Gulf softly muttered  "You're an Omega Tine. This thing is same as men got between their  legs. It goes in our P hole and pleasure us, this thing make us forget the world and everything when it goes inside our body.... Dont say anything.... just feel it". 

Neither Tine had anything to say as had had no words to utter and lost his speech in that moment. But to his surprise his inexperienced  body knew how to react to the thing.  Soon Tine breathe speed up as Gulf took the thing and rub it between his breasts balls up and down and teased the tip on his nipples. The Omega eyes didn't budge as he watch the thing play on his naked body. Suddenly his mind flashes the image of Sarawat's c, imagining it dancing on his skin that make Tine feel goosebumps raising which will about to burst any moment, almost a cried moaned escape  from his lips. Something  fimilar like last night began to build up inside Tine's belly as his p clenched tightly into nothingness. He felt like pleasure building up exactly  the way  Sarawat made him feel last night. It was again indescribable but felt so so good making him jolted through his fragile vulnerable body. Tine lips parted on their own accord and he could feel his p getting more wetter and swollen. Magically  the moisture appears out of nowhere, it made Tine feel so hot and his mind went blank and all Tine couldn't help but silently let the thing roam all over on his skin and enjoy the feeling of new and alien sensation Gulf was trying to give him. In the end Gulf slowly moved and dragged the thing on Tine's belly then to his ribs. It feel so good but then to Tine's horror  the thing went between his p lips parting it apart that's when Tine came out of his trance and cried out "Stop please". The pleasure had just intensifies ten times and felt so mind blowing but also scary and hard and big like some huge volcano was about to erupt out of his p.

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