Chapter 47

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Sarawat blink for a moment then a playful laughter erupted from Alpha lips until the corner of his eyes trickle with tears while Tine could only look back at his devils husband face with amused expression thinking hard about what he just said but he felt utterly confused as he question his husband "Wh..what was so funny?". Sarawat slowed down a bit then to the Omega surprise he once again nuzzle his face in the crook of Tine's neck as he mumble "Oh baby doll, what will I do with you". Tine sigh out and muttered under his breath without giving much thought "Aren't you already doing pleanty .. Alpha". The devil Alpha pulled back instantly and look into his innocent Omega wife's eyes asking while raising his eyebrow "Did I hear sarcasm baby doll? Are you mocking me?" Tine quickly realize what he breathe out, and it was unhealthy for him very very unhealthy. Feeling bewildered the Omega frantically shook his head denying looking somewhat scared and as innocent as it possible to save himself. The poor Omega already had enough for one day, he does not want anything more except for some lone time to think for himself.

Sarawat had pretty much succeed to turn him into an almost pervert person which he doesn't enjoy being much. To some length the Alpha effortlessly managed to make him want him in very dirty way, even if it's only for brief moment. The Alpha wants him to turn into his playtoy who can play with him in his playroom. But Tine knew he will never be what Sarawat wants him to be. He really does not understand the concept of pain and pleasure going hand in hand together. He feel it's just impossible. Sarawat putting all kind of dirty and vulgar thoughts into his brain by making him feel all kind of pleasure will not change who he is in real and He's someone who's never going to enjoy the feeling of pain for sure. But Tine knew what his pervert Alpha is capable of and he need to be stronger, smarter with him but most of all he need to be in control because Sarawat Guntituthon is very sexy and wicked man, plus so good looking that was his biggest fault.  Suddenly Sarawat angry yet rage filled face  appears in Tine's brain making his hips unwantedely to move to feel more friction. This time instead of clenching his legs together, the poor Omega spread unwantedely.  What the fuck.... Tine eyes comically  widened in shocked at the realization when Sarawat began to roll his hips. 

The Alpha playfully chukled making his injured wife's feel needy as he nuzzle into his Omega wife's cheek stating seductively "This feels good baby doll?...But Don't worry I'll show you soon how good you're going to feel taking me inside your tight little P, because I'm pretty sure we both can be equally dirty and physically compatible with each other". Tine's train of thoughts stopped and his mind once again felt blocked, he know what physical means and compatible too but physical and compatible both together he had no idea how does these two fits together.

Sarawat pressed his lips on Tine's cheek, before he pulled back himself  completely making Tine to inwardly  groan for leaving him almost on the edge in annoyance with all the touchings and grinding his hardness between his legs. The Alpha then sigh out caressing the Omega cheek with his thumb "We have to stop for now. I need to fed you before you take your medicine it'll put you to sleep for few hours so let me make you ready for the night". Sarawat quickly help his injured wife to put on his panties before the negligee then went downstairs to bring some food. While Tine stayed on the bed, he fiddle with his phone and first message sent to Day about Sarawat finally giving his permission. Day immediately replied him even though he was sure Sarawat will agree but surely not easily though, they both are friends for a reason. Tine then made himself busy in group chatting with Gulf and Krist telling them all about his adventures day. He chat with both his friends until Sarawat entered inside the bedroom with a food tray. 

The Alpha brought chicken soup for Tine as he muttered "Comfort food before you get to sleep". Tine stayed silent and only gave a small nod. After everything he was really hungry.  Sarawat placed the bowl on Tine's lap while the Omega carefully took the first sip. Sarawat didn't not waste any time as he firmly stated "About your working in Day's restaurant, until your ankle heal completely it'll be on hold" Tine doesn't have any other option but to agree completely with his husband. The Omega nods again making his husband to smile in content as he praise "Good..." Sarawat waited until his Omega wife finished everything in the bowl then handed him the pill and glass of water.  Once Tine swallowed his medicine and put the glass down on the tray Sarawat immediately leaned and pressed his lips on Tine's licking and sucking the delicate flesh startling the injured Omega nonetheless Tine shut his eyes and tried to calm himself down groaning inwardly  'This devil will be the death of me'.

When Sarawat was done kissing his Omega wife he muttered softly "I'm going to leave you to sleep now, Your body and mind need rest. I'll be staying back home today, mostly working in my office so call me if you need anything". The Omega nods again and Sarawat left the room, leaving Tine alone to finally have some peace. Now when Tine has accepted the truth that Sarawat doesn't love him, his husband only wanted him in a way that Tine is not sure if he wants that too. But today Sarawat made him feel somewhat like the centre of his universe when in reality he only wants him for sex only. The Omega doesn't know what to feel, what he's  doing and if it is even right or wrong in his case because ultimately Sarawat is his husband and husband's wants and need se.x. Before the Omega could think anything more about his messed up married life he find his eyelids closing, feeling heavy as the medicine hit him hard. The Omega wanted to think more about his life and about the decision he took, but irritating ache between  his legs were distracting him anyhow what he's supposed to be thinking while feeling so sleepy. Now Tine only wish that atleast Sarawat leave him alone in his dreamland but it seems like a difficult task because the needy ache between his legs stirred by his devil husband left him bothered and unsatisfied. It was really annoying because the Omega kinda knew exactly what he wanted at the moment and he can't even deny the fact only Sarawat tongue do him so good.

It was quiet late when Tine woke up from his sleep, he glanced at the space beside him on the bed and quickly  felt relief knowing his devil husband isn't back yet.  Atleast  now he can think in peace but before Tine brain start functioning properly he heard the footsteps coming closer. Suddenly Tine was wide awake he doesn't wanted to face his husband just yet as he threw his comforter over his head pretending to be asleep.The Omega stayed still like a stone on the bed when his Alpha husband entered inside the bedroom after unlockingthe door. The Omega doesn't wanted to have any kind of interaction with the devil who always act up in the midnight, not particularly wanted to have a last night repeat. Tine closed his eyes  tightly and heard Sarawat open his closet door and shuffle around the bedroom for a while doing god only knows what before he finally climb up on the bed beside him.

The mattress dipped at the Alpha weight making Tine heart to race up knowing tge devil is closer. The poor Omega pinched his eyes tighter when he felt Sarawat's body came in contact with his through the comforter. Tine tried his best to stay still and not give away himself but then Sarawat suddenly whispered near his ear "I know you're awake baby doll" the poor Omega couldn't help but got startled as the Alpha voice send current into his whole body. Tine didn't respond, he decide to ignore his devil husband maybe in sometime Sarawat will move away from his body and go to sleep without doing any funny business with him but to his dismay Sarawat again open his mouth and murmured "Fine, if you want to play again... pretending to be sleeping I might as well take advantage of you".The poor Omega started wrecking his brain advantage? What kind of advantage the devil wants to take. Tine got lost thinking, not moving at all trying his best under the comforter but then he felt his devil husband hand crawled under the comforter, then inside his negligee.  Tine couldn't help as soon as Sarawat fingers grazes on his bare breasts going downward to his tummy the Omega bite his lower lip, slowly the devil fingers move toward more south  once again stirring the dull ache that make him feel bothered and needy which he had forgot for a moment. Tine instantly panicked as he breath out "S...Stop... Stop ". Sarawat chukled devilishly as he balanced himself  up on his elbow then said in  mocking tone "Ow, did I wake you up  baby doll?".

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