Chapter 101

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Sarawat stopped the car in front of the school gate, and immediately jogs out to open the door for his little ones. He help Tim and Si wore their backpack and grabs their lunch bag while Thyme took care of his own stuff. The Alpha pressed his lips lovingly on Si head wishing his daughter "Have fun sweetheart, Daddy will miss you". The little  Omega girl giggles, the Alpha smiled and transfer his attention to his second son wishing him the same after ruffling his baby boy's hair  "Have fun champ, I'll miss you too". Tim grin shrugging "Sure Dad". In the end Sarawat look at his eldest, as he wush the same "Have fun son, I'll miss... ". But  Thyme being Thyme he cut his father's words by saying "Whatever.. let's go guys".  He turned first as the other two follows and started walking towards the enterance of the small building. Sarawat stood outside of school gate watching his trio, walking away inside the school building just the way his wife looks at the trio, with the eyes that filled with full of love and adoration. Thyme and Tim walk either side of their sister Si, like a protective guards while talking among themselves. His children mostly seems to be live in their own bubble all the time. In the beginning the Alpha father didn't not pay attention he was too busy to adore his blood and flesh but now since it's been few days of him dropping them to school he couldn't help but observe the odd, that the trio hardly put any effort to socialize with other kids. Then again the trio has always been together, considering their strong sibling bond since forever, that others find it no chance. While Sarawat was having a fatherly worries for his growing up children about not mingling with other peer, his children were having tottaly opposite conversation in their own way. Thyme grab his sibling attention and he carefully pass the message about someone following their car all through the mansion until their school. The secret language only the trio understand. Si questions confusingly "who do you think he is, carrying a professional camera  is he a casting director?". Tim chukled then commented " ..or he can be dad's rival. He's so rich, handsome and famous having one or two rivals or nosy psycho stalker is possible too". Thyme rolled his eyes hearing the description of their father but he couldn't agree less as he commented " his slim posture, look harmless but he surely look wired with that fake beard".. Thyme observe the man pressing his hands to his cheeks, he cautiously turned to give one last look to his concern looking father direction. But suddenly Sarawat smile widely and wave his hand at the trio direction. The two of them wave back while Thyme shrugs and entered inside the building but his focus was not on his Dad, but on the man he found the guy far behind his father  on the other side of road looking at them and probably took their pictures, as he was now holding a camera. Just when the trio entered the building they look at Thyme in confusion. Thyme explained to his sibling "I saw him, wearing khaki pants and holding a camera". Whoever it was indeed he is someone not just not interested in Sarawat Guntituthon's life but also them.

The kids left their conversation at that, and decide to carry on their day, since they were having an exam going on. Half day passes by giving exam then during lunch break the trio were together again, sitting under the tree in the school playground, there were many childrens playing and running . The trio were sitting together holding their question paper as if  pretend to discuss the score, but in reality the trio loose their mind finding the man inside the school premises,  somehow he manage to bribe the staff and get inside the school, hiding at the place no one can see him easily. The trio closely observe that the man were captured them even in the school premises. They had never seen the man before but, it felt wired to know how much the man was risking just to take their candid picture. The weird man focus was only on the trio. Frankly it was still few minutes left for their lunch break, and on the alert mode as to guard their only precious sister, keeping her safe and out of harm in every possible way. The trio began to get bored now, just to sit and let the man take the pictures of them. Soon the trio decide that they had enough and figured how they can make their day a little more entertaining for everyone. As soon as  the wired guy look distracted checking his camera, the trio gets up and quickly walk behind the tree under which they were sitting for a while. The wired guy quickly look restless but before he could take any step voice of Thyme question the wired guy from behind "Hey What's up jerk, why are you taking pictures of us?. Are you some sort of Pervert. Pedo.phile. Help Help... Pervert Alert!! Pervert Alert!!". Thyme scream  louder and loyder grabbing everyone's  attention. The wired man face tured into pale, as he froze as if not able to understand how to explain himself. The crowd of children and school teachers and  staff immediately gathered around the two. The school security appears immediately and grabs the man by his arms.  While Thyme decide to handle the man and Tim keep an eye on his brother from a distance, if in case the man decide to play dirty he would be able to help his brother from behind. While Si quickly slip into the principle office and demand to call his father immediately like she own the whole damn school and Mr principle is her butler. Since the principal was very well aware of Sarawat Guntituthon children studying in one of his small local school, he immediately started sweating watching the little omega girl this furious and dominant, he didn't dare to ask more question and immediately pulled out his personal phone to call the Alpha father.

Sarawat suddenly frown feeling worried like any other parent would be after watching the name of school principle appearing on his phone screen in the middle of the day. His body for some reason tensed but he immediately picked up the call, he heard his daughter distressed voice "Daddy...". The Alpha breath hitched at the distressed tone of his baby girl, he didn't even let his daughter began to speak another word as he answered in a heartbeat "Don't worry sweetheart... Daddy's reaching soon". Sarawat fled out of his office so fast with heavy heart like a bullet train keeping the phone to his ear. Sia continue "Yes, Daddy we need you". Sarawat question again sounding worried as hell "Are you all safe, you're not hurt?". Si answered "Yes Daddy, we are safe... brothers are taking care of a goon in our school, Daddy he was taking our pictures". It's been a while the Alpha loose his shit on anyone. Sarawat jerked, he never felt this much nervous in his heart thinking of what could be happen to his precious children and their safety. He prayed to moon Goddess to keep his children safe and all right. He was going insane all the way every second thinking about his boys who was taking care of goon, what the hell!. Tony and Sam followed their boss as it didn't took for the Alpha long to reach his children BVM school in just 11 minutes, covering the distance of twenty minutes.

When Sarawat and the two bodyguard arrived where the commotion was going on. They saw the school security guards were holding the man, as he groan "What I'm doing here is none of your business, I'm a photographer not a goon. Leave me". Sarawat ignored the wired looking guy, his first attention went on to his three childrens standing lazily leaning at the wall together at the distance.  He straight went to the trio kneeling in front of them he ask looking worried "Are you guys alright. He didn't hurt you...he didn't dare to touch you". It was new to watch his Alpha father on his knees loooking hell worried. Thyme tilted his head and question "What if he did, what you gonna do to him?". Sarawat simply answer, he doesn't even think twice before replying "Kill him". Thyme shrug "It's okay, he didn't touch one is hurt... he just took our pictures without consent". Sarawat nods, he doesn't have to ask just one glance at his bodyguard and Tony clearly understood the next step. The school security guards were already confiscated the man camera, wallet and his phone which they handed to Tony immediately. The bodyguard view all the camera pictures of three children, while Sam checked the guy's wallet and his phone. Once Sarawat was sure his children were unharmed and safe he turned his attention to Sam and demanded "Who is this man?". Sam answered "Well his name is Ted Mill, he disguise his look and bribe one of the security guard to get inside the school premises, he's a photographer from InClub Magazine, who loves to deliver some juicy gossip about famous celebrity lifestyle".

Suddenly Si giggle and two boys let out a chukle. Frankly the boys didn't really thought they were a celebrity. Si teased the guy "Ted, Really". Sarawat pursed his lip at his baby girl. as the Alpha stop himself  from imagining the soft teddy who Si named Ted, The teddy after their shopping spree. His children never cease to amaze him, they look unwavered even after everything.  Sarawat then walk and stand in front of the wired man and pushed his both hand inside his pocket, as he question "You know who I'm". Ted gulped and nods answering "Ye..Yes Sa...Sarawat Guntituthon.... but... You are also famous playboy..... You cannot hide your illicit children.. They must get what they rightfully deserve.  Everyone knows how big of a devil playboy you're..  you have to accept your illicit children out of marriage". Sarawat frown while Ted didn't think much before speaking, being a media person he have been looking for some juicy news about Sarawat Guntituthon, since last few days Sarawat was close off staying home attending his family needs and what not. While people were demanding to know juicy stuff, inside story about the man. They always wanted to know what's happening in Sarawat's life, but Ted curiosity picked up when he saw Sarawat Guntituthon personally dropping three children to some lower profile local school, the two boys resembles so much to the Alpha that anyone could say they're Sarawat's children. And there's no way Sarawat Guntituthon would let Guntituthon's  heir study in some local school after being this filfthy rich under any normal circumstances. There was chance that Sarawat Guntituthon doesn't want to accept  them and wants to keep them as his dirty secret. He wanted to hide them not wanting to give them their rightful status and as far as Ted knowledge goes Sarawat was an arrogant, heartless and rude businessman, who is also happen to be playboy. He was once married to Omega only to take up his CEO position, when he gets what he wanted then he get rid of his wife. Some belives that when the Omega find out the real reason of  their marriage, and how much of a play boy Sarawat was, the Omega left his husband long back for good and never return back into his life. No one knows where Sarawat's Omega wife is, some also believe Sarawat held him captivated in his huge mansion and some people assume the Alpha killed the Omega and get rid of him once for all.

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