Chapter 70

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Green immediately passed the message to Tony, Sarawat Guntituthon's bodyguard instantly  left his spot and went to find the kids between hundreds of students. By the time he reached at the hall, school staff and students mixed up having refreshment and snacks as it gets difficult for Tony to search the trio kids. He scan the crowd all around the hall to find the same girl he saw in the hospital and on to stage wearing black dress today but among so many students it gets impossible for him to find her. After looking around the bodyguard decide to step out of the hall and check if the trio has decide to leave early from other's. His assumption was correct though. He immediately find the trio exiting the school gate with an old man heading towards the bus stop, both boy was just head to toe looking same but by the time Tony was able to get closer to them the bus arrived and kids were already climbing inside the bus. Tony immediately pulled out his phone and click few pictures of them while kids were laughing and joking with each other addressing the old man as their grandpa. Each of the boy hooked the hands with their sister as they didn't  observe the man who was taking their pictures because they were lost in their own conversation. The bus immediately left the bus stop and Tony couldn't help but anxiously  walk back inside the school to his boss.  Sarawat immediately stands up watching  his bodyguard walking closer as his eyes  search for his children "Where are they, Tony?". Tony glance at Green then shook his head at Sarawat answered  in disappointed tone "They left in bus  Sir, with their grandpa, I'm  sorry I couldn't bring them here". Sarawat  confusingly question "What grandpa?". Tony nods and pulled out his phone, he showed the images of kids with their grandpa talking and laughing among each other. The Alpha couldn't  help but ghasp watching both boys looking so identical to each other, they are just like him, he didn't even need a DNA test to prove, the Alpha is hundred percent sure that they are his children. He is the father of three,  seven years old children. After a moment of emotional happiness pass he started wrecking his brain, if Tine  ever told him about having any extended family. But nothing comes into his mind. Tine was an orphan and his only family was miss Jenny. She already passed away few years back and other than her Tine didn't had any one who will be his family. Sarawat turned towards Tony once again and demand "By tommorow evening I want to know everything about this Metawin family".

After 24 hours, Sarawat asked his bodyguard "What did you find out?". He's been feeling fussy just like three month old since yesterday kids left without meeting him. Plus he hasn't  eaten properly and was desperately waiting for Tony to come back with all the information about the trio and their family. And now it was the moment he was eagerly waiting for. Tony stands in front of him with small smile carrying a file with all the information he could find out about the family. Tony started speaking in confident voice "Sir, kids names are Thyme, Timmy and Sia Metawin. Seven years old. This are their birth certificate". Tony placed the copies of documents in front of his boss. Sarawat quickly glanced at the papers, he was least interested to know how his body guard able to get the copies so fast. Instead he pick up all the paper and read it carefully. All three came into this world on the same date, just couple of minutes after the other in the early morning. He started calculating normal pregnancy should last for 40 weeks that is 10 months. He quickly  pulled out his phone and search about the triplets birth. People deliver triplets in an around eight months too and its normal. Then the Alpha's check Mother name : Win Metawin. This was not the name the Alpha was expecting but he was having a fair idea since kids last name goes by Metawin.  Father column was blank as unknown. The Alpha began to wonder why Tine didn't come back to him after finding about his pregnancy. It would have been so much easy for him having luxurious facilities of everything. Why didn't his wife demand his rightful status of Sarawat Guntituthon's legally wedded wife and mate. Why his Omega wife have to go through with such difficulty all alone. He is not sure anymore if Tine really doesn't like him, he does like him afterall to go bare all the hassle and pain all alone for his children. Tine brought all his children safely into this world and he is taking care of them by working hard. If Tine has return back to him he would have accepted his Omega wife in a heartbeat, took care of him throughtout his pregnancy. Even though he wasn't ready nor he was thinking about having babies but he was sure the news of Tine's pregnancy made him only the happiest even then.

But guess he really hurt his Omega wife by behaving like some jerk right after their love making night. He shouldn't have gone and choose Zea that day. Sarawat look up at Tony's face silently asking him to proceed further. Tony nods and again started "Kids go to BVM Govt. School, they all are in Grade 3. Same class. I was able to get their home address. Their mother arrived back home from his work just an hour before. This are the photographs". Tony pulled out some pictures and placed in front of his Alpha boss. It was an picture of an old building in lower side of town, it wasn't a great neighborhood and anyone can guess how small and plain the apartment will be from inside. Tony brought the attention of his boss stating "He's their mother, an Omega". The picture was taken from the sides from far, the slim Omega figure was walking down on the street his head hung low, wearing an oversized green colour jacket, over a dusty blue waitres uniform. Sarawat suck in a ghasp. It was him. He recognizes him clearly, sure it was his Tine. The Alpha couldn't mistake recognizing his Omega wife. The Alpha's heart clenches and aches painfully watching his wife look so worn out, exhausted, more thin than ever. Tine was eight years older in the picture but Sarawat still finds his wife so beautiful, mesmerizingly  innocent as ever. The smile on his wife's lips just before entering inside his apartment was able to bring tears in Sarawat eyes. Tony added "I able to find out that he works in a small food stall, as a cook, cleaner and waitress since they can't afford more staff, the Omega mommy handle most of the works. The stall belongs to an old couple Mr and Mrs Metawin who are nice people and help the Omega and kids with whatever they can. Kids call them granny and grandpa" The Alpha couldn't help but felt angered for himself, his wife shouldn't be cleaning after others, nor their dirty tables and dishes. His whole being shook in pent up rage for himself. He command his bodyguard "Ask Green to cancel all my appointments. And I want you here sharp 4 in the morning tommorow". Tony couldn't say anything more as he understood the agenda and not that he wasn't happy for his boss to finally find his family back after so many years. He nods his head at his boss command but really? Seriously 4 in the morning. With a sigh Tony put the file on Sarawat desk then left to return back.

Once Sarawat was alone he sat in silence inside his home office staring at the pictures of his wife and children that Tony left for him before long hours. He picked up the one where he could see his wife's innocent face bit clear. It was that face which haunted him every single day and night. How much he begged to moon goddess to let him see Tine one more time or help him find his innocent face wife in last eight years and every place he visited. Tine has become an important part of him without even realizing and in future it is going to etched with him for forever until he breaths. He wish he could just go to Tine's apartment and bring his wife and children back into his house right now. But it's already close to midnight, Tine must be tired after working all day long and children will be deeply asleep at this  hour. Suddenly a shiver ran down to his spine thinking what if Tine doesn't want to come back to him. What if Tine doesn't want to stay with him at all. What if Tine not just feel disgusted but he started hating him. No he can't be thinking negative, not after eight years when he finally found his wife back together with his three wonderful children. He can't let go them at any cost. He wiil need a foolproof plan to bring his wife and children back into his life. He need to find more things about them before he go and approach his wife and kids. He doesn't want to scare them and sure as fuck his sudden presence in their life can bring end number of question to Tine. The Alpha's would never like to put Tine nor his relationship with kids in any kind of situation where it gets difficult for both of them to explain themselves to their children. But he will go to any extent for convincing his Omega wife to atleast allow him into their lives.

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Mark this day when I posted first chapter of my happiness 1 book. It's been 3 long years when I actually wrote and published my first happiness chapter. Anyways Thank-you my lovely readers for always supporting and encouraging me. This is still my happy place. 🥰❤️

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