Chapter 82

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The Alpha immediately grabs Tine's both hands and pinned them above the Omega head as he whispered "Ohh babydoll.. you're so fucking innocent". Tine sucked in a sharp breath hearing the pet name his mate used to call him. And to be frank it still send chills to run down to his spine making his core clenched in same dull pain out of nowhere. But it was the last thing the Omega wanted to feel for his mate. Tine immediately panicked thinking what is going to come next. He gritted his teeth on his husband "Who is your baby doll?. I'm not your baby doll. Get off of me.... go to your girlfriend Zea". Tine struggle relentlessly to break free and run away but the Alpha has an upper hand for being stronger than his annoyed malnourished Omega wife who was trapped under him. The Omega didn't forget how his husband ganged up against him in the morning with his girlfriend. He'd never let his mate play with him ever again. The Alpha suddenly pressed his lips on Tine's cheek making the Omega shocked as he become statue in a blink causing the Alpha to sigh out "Now listen to me carefully okay..... Nothing... I mean absolutely nothing about you make me feel not wanting you more. I loved fucking your P so much that I didn't want to fuck anyone else if it's not you. I don't want to do it with anyone else just with you. I want to do it over and over and over and will give you lots of babies".

Tine scoff in anger as if he'd let his mate have his way with him again. The Omega tried to struggle again saying "What made you think I will let you touch me again and we will have se.x. I don't want to do anything with you. Go to your little miss sweetheart Zea. She will happily give you whatever you want". Sarawat stated tightenhis hold on his Omega wife "Stop bringing Zea between us everytime allright. She's only friend". Tine bitterly chukled at his husband's words he couldn't stop taunting the Alpha "Yes sure friend, who understands your sexual needs and want. You can't fool me Wat ...You know what?... dont touch me with your hands because I clearly remember how you chose her, hold that pest close to yourself and...and  you even kissed her in front of me". Sarawat's wanted to laugh at his wife jealousy but it was not the time. He gently cupped his Omega wife's cheek and stating "I will never do that again. I will do that with you because You're my wife, my one snd only sexy baby doll. From now I will always chose you and touch you". Tine scoff making the Alpha to question back "You don't want me to adapt celibacy all my life right?, My playroom is still waiting for you". The Omega eyes widened hearing his shameless husband. As soon as the words register into Tine's brain he relentlessly tried to struggle again grimacing " .. It was my big mistake I decide to stay back with you pervert. You're still a se.x maniac Oh moon goddess how did I forget how much you like torturing me. Let me go Wat. I will never become your toy. You can play with me". Tine just wanted to get away from his devil horny man.

And Why should he care what his mate wants, specially after spending eight long years in agony and bearing the hardship all alone with his three little children. Now Sarawat got his children and the Omega wasn't interested to give himself to his mate this easily. The Alpha asked again "Tine, I want to have se.x with you. I'm really sorry for the last time. Please trust me this one time. Don't  punish me. Don't  make me stay away from you. I want that wonderful night to repeat again and again.... ". Tine agape hearing his husband bluntly asking to hsve se.x. his tactless mouth knows no filter and boundry. He ignored his husband and kept struggling to push his mate away. Then Sarawat again tried to convince  his wife ".... Okay think about this....Like you said you don't have no reference to compare so let me be your reference. I will give you best O every time. Much better than the last each time. Better than the last time, Tine frown is that even possible. Just with the thought of having so many O, the Omega already started to feel dizzy. What even moon goddess was thinking before giving him such pervert mate who's mind and mouth always become a gutter. But on the contrary the  Omega began to wonder what Sarwat Guntituthon was asking him. The Alpha caresses Tine's cheek lovingly and whispered "Let's forget the past and start a new. I will stop being friend with Zea. I won't keep any relationwith her or any other women. But in return give yourself to me and I will take very good care of you all my life".  Tine look at his husband in disbelief as he frown at his husband words asking "You're willing to let go of your girlfriend just for me?".

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