Back to the future (or i suppose, the present) (3)

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Wrd count - 316

A few hours later...

Grian's POV

I was still a little on edge after earlier.

But somehow... I didn't think I minded Tango seeing my wings much. He seemed a lot more respectful that anyone else could've been.

After that interaction with Tango, I left to get back to my base. It was dark out, maybe one or two AM, and in hindsight, maybe I should've just slept at Tango's base.'s nothing romantic if I did, though.

"Hey Grian! Didn't think you'd still be awake!"

That there's Mumbo, my insomniac best friend. Also, the reason I just squealed like a little girl!

"Mumbo! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"

"I didn't mean to!"

I caught my breath, and started talking.

"Anyway, why were you out so late?"


"You're never up this late unless you're-" Mumbo had a sudden realisation. "Who'd you sleep with?"

I flushed bright red, shoving the moustache man. "MUMBO! It's not like that!"

He shrugged, smirking. "You sure? Because it certainly looks it."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

"If you insist. Goodnight, lover-boy."

"Shut up!"

I stormed into my base, trying to ease the blush from my cheeks. Is this how it feels for Etho and BDubs..? Not the point.

I started preening my wings, the soft sensation of my wings being cleared distracting me from my gay panic. Gay panic? I'm not in love.



...Okay, maybe I'm in love.

Shit, I can't even fool myself.

I started sketching, ditching my preening almost as quickly as I'd begun it. Within five minutes, I'd drawn up...

I drew Tango.


I'm not gonna admit defeat. Nope. NUH UH.

Mumbo can't come to terms that I like someone every time. It's not fair.

Am I that oblivious to my emotions? What if Tango doesn't even like me back anyway.

Dear diary.

I'm gay for Tango. Fu-


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