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Top dracoooooo also we're going to say regulus and Draco aren't related for this 😗
Also there's gonna be edging, toys, degradation, and blindfolding. (I don't use spread bars so I'm not entirely sure how they work so there's that 2)

Harry, Draco's boyfriend, walked to sit next to his fathers. James and regulus potter sat besides him. But this isn't what Draco had a problem with. Regulus really didn't talk unless it was to Draco, harry or James. James talked to everyone. Harry, talked to everyone except him. Draco was sitting in the corner at the rectangle table with them, right across from James.

"He gets it from my husband" James whispered to Draco. "Likes to tease, make people jealous"

Draco smirked, so that's what harry wanted.

Harry continued with his little flirting game. Flirting with everyone but his boyfriend and family. Regulus eyed harry smiling slightly. "Best of luck kiddo" he shook his head "never ends well for people like us"

Everything changed thought, when someone flirted back.

He put his hand onto Harry's shoulder as Draco watched. They were playing pool now, Draco still in the corner paying close attention. The other man moved harry around, even touching his hips at one point. But Draco had had enough when the guy stood directly behind his boyfriend while he bent over and tried shooting.

"Move" he commanded the guy behind harry.

"Or what? Don't be such a buzzkill! We're just having fun," the guy rolled his eyes and turned back to harry.

Something in Draco snapped, he gripped the back of Harry's neck right when he was about to shoot and pulled the others face to his. Once he was sure Harry's head wasn't going to hit his and hurt, he kissed the boy harshly, not wasting anytime before their tongues collided.

"Hey what the hell?!" The guys shouted.

The nerve of the stranger made Draco want to curse him in a literal sense.

"Hi to you as well, love" harry smiled. He hoped the other guy got the message, that he was using the other guy to tease his boyfriend.

"Mhm, you're not getting off that easily. We can finish dinner and then we're going directly to your room" Draco promised.

Harry looked up at him, was he serious? This had been what he wanted but damn, it was going to be so much better than he imagined.

"Whatever you say" he agreed obediently.

"What the fuck is going on??!" The guy shouted.

"You are uninvited to this event thank you very much, here, I'll escort you out" James smiled brightly.

"Wha- but- but they're the ones causing problems!" He argued.

"That's my son and his boyfriend you stupid peace of shit, if you ever try to touch my son again, I will rip you peace from peace and have my husband help me" James never stopped smiling as he spoke and lead the random guy outside and slammed the door in his face.

"Just how I taught you" regulus smirked a little and kissed James lightly. "Go ahead boys, we'll see you in the morning" regulus allowed.

"Thank you dads!" Harry smiled.


Draco closed the door in a almost ruff manor.

"Teasing me, hm? Flirting with other guys and letting them touch you?" Draco pouted. "Such a brat" he snarled.

"What are you going to do about it?" Harry smirked a little bit as he watched Draco in all his frustration.

"Get on the bed sweetheart, hands and knees with your ass presented to me, no clothes on while I decide just how bad your punishment is going to be tonight," Draco commanded.

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