Stripper and a suger daddy

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Top harry
Draco's POV
Draco's broke cause no one will hire him after he was a death eater so now he's a stripper

"Wooo!! Go babes!" Pansy yelled from the audience. I moved from a star gazer to a broken clown on the pole in my favorite outfit. It was a two piece red leather set. The bottom was like a thong and the top was sleeveless. Although I knew as a dude I didn't need the top I liked it. As I moved from a broken clown to a ballerina I noticed someone in the crowd I recognized.

Harry Potter

The savior himself, I knew I loved him but a part of me wished I didn't. He was the reason I couldn't be evil, the reason I couldn't be cruel or terrible. But I still loved him. I did a few low pole moves and then went back to the floor. I bounced my ass for the sake of the crowd. Thank god I didn't make eye contact with harry, I think I would have died. I may be better as a pole dancer but I was a damn right hot stripper. "Wooo!" Pansy kept cheering. Blaise didn't like how I made money but he was in the crowd as my body guard. After a few hours my shift was over and I was going to leave as a hand dragged me back. Blaise said nothing and kept walking and I honestly thought for a second he was letting me be kidnapped before I looked to see I was harry dragging me to the bathrooms.

"Before you yell at me or hit me or scream, please let me explain." Harry begged. He took a deep breath "I want you to work for me," he breathed out. "What. The. Fuck." I said angrily. "I know I know, but I'll pay you as much as you want I just have a single party I need you for. "Why?" I asked stiffly. "Because, one of my friends wants a stripper for their engagement party" he explained. "Would this be your girlfriend potter?" I raised a eyebrow but I was hurt. Was he asking me to work at his girlfriends engagement party so he could make fun of me or something? "No no! I'm gay, it's Ginny and luna's engagement" he laughed shyly. I fought a smile so instead I turning it into a smirk. "Fine, how much are you willing to pay me?" I said finally. "$20,000" he said almost jumping with joy. I about choked. "20k?!" I shouted. He looked a little upset. "I can raise it if you want," he said. "No, Merlin. That's more than I make in a month, hell that's like 4 months pay!" I exasperated. "Well I figured I doubt anyone would be tipping you much so I should pay what you want in a session, plus it's a 3 hour party" harry explained. My eyes were wide and I was failing to hide my shock. "I work 12 hour shifts and hardly make a fraction of that a month!" I yelled. He shrugged and didn't see why I was shocked. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Yes, I'll do it. Send me the information." I told him. I put my number in his phone and he sent me all the information I needed.

I left quickly finding Blaise waiting outside the bathrooms. "What did he want?" He asked walking with me. "He wants me to preform at his friends engagement party for 20k" I explained. "You said no right?!" Blaise yelled as we made our way to the car. "I said yes" I told him. He sat in the driver seat angrily. "He's giving you 20k Draco! Do you really think he only wants you to work on stage?!" Blaise yelled while we were at a red light. I flinched at the sound but shook my head. "You know how I feel about him, most of his friends are dating someone and Hermione likes woman." I said. "Specifically pansy" Blaise murmured. "The fact that your so protective of us is exactly why I trust your opinion Blaise. Which is why I want you to accompany me to the party. Don't let me do anything I would regret, please." I asked him. "Blaise sighed as we got out of the car. "You know I will," he agreed out of patience walking to my side and letting me use his jacket since I was still in my work outfit. "Go change, it's cold and I want my jacket back. It's movie night remember?" He asked. I nodded and changed into oversized clothes.

By the time I got downstairs pansy was already on the couch and a horror movie was playing. I hated horror but Blaise loved it, especially mystery's and pansy was fawning over some girl who was about to be stabbed and yelling at people about how stupid they were. Since we all lived together this was a normal Thursday but it didn't help the fact that I got a few glimpses of it while walking down the cold dark stairs of our house.

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