Coffee spill

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Top Draco
Idea from (I hope you don't mind me mentioning): potatofamin01
3rd person

"Woah!" The unknown blond cried as Harry Potter bumped into him. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Harry apologized looking at the shocked silver eyes of his former school enemy. "Mal- Draco" harry stuttered his eyes felt as wide as Draco's were. Finally Draco regained his posture and tried to hide his shock which worked well enough he thought. "Harry," he said with a casual smirk. "Hold on let me fix your shirt" harry sighed going to pull on his wand. Draco slapped his hand looking astonished and amused. "We're at a muggle cross walk dimwit" he said with a grin. "Oh," harry said shyly and stopped trying to grab his wand. Draco couldn't stop from laughing at the other who smiled stupidly at him. "So... how are you? After the war... I didn't know if you'd be employed" Harry asked scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It's been good, I own my first business and I'm living on a pretty nice estate and no I wasn't employed because of my family and my status in the war but I think most people just view me as the coward kid who had no choice." Draco shrugged. "Did you?" Harry asked. "did I what?" Draco had no idea what he meant. "Did you have a choice?" Harry asked again. There was a long pause before Draco spoke again. "About as much as you did," he said gloomily. "Let me get you a new coffee, I was going to get one anyway" Draco changed the subject walking past harry and expecting he brunette to follow him. Instead harry grabbed his wrist with no apparent reason, "sorry, yeah... let's go" he said letting go of a confused Draco.

"So you actually fought the basilisk in second year?!" Draco exclaimed. Harry just nodded smiling, "I thought that was just some rumor that dean started!" Draco laughed drinking his coffee and taking a bite of his muffin. Harry chuckled and blushed not used to the investment Draco had in their conversation. "So what happened to pansy or Astoria? I heard you were going to marry one of them" harry asked. Draco chuckled again, "pansy was a cheater and Astoria was obsessed, but I don't like girls anyway" Draco shrugged. Harry nodded with a smile "so are you really bi then? People would always call you the bi who lived, was that not a rumor to?" Draco asked looking the other in the eyes. "You kidding? I used to like Cedric!" Harry laughed. Draco almost choked on his coffee, "really? The one that was in the games?" He asked laughing. Harry nodded quickly "I found out a few months after he died when I was talking to Cho that he was homophobic and talked shit about me because of the rumors!" Harry explained, Draco nodding intrigued so harry would continue talking.

A few hours after their first coffee the two boys started to leave but neither of them really wanted to, in fact they wanted to stay so much that they couldn't leave. "Well" harry laughed awkwardly. Draco however looked angrily at the door with eyes that would slice sound. "What are you that eager to get rid of me?" Harry laughed awkwardly. Draco softened up in an instant, "my bad" he said hardly louder than a whisper. "You know... there was this other rumor about you, and me actually" Draco muttered testing what he thought was a silly mistake that he was doing because he just couldn't stand watching harry and seeing signs that may not even be there. Harry's words got stuck in his throat for a second which was very noticeable even when he resisted the urge to blush. "...Yeah?" He asked trying to seem nonchalant but his voice cracked. Draco decided he was definitely not misreading the signs and harry at least used to like him, but he decided to tease harry a little for old times sake. "Yeah, they would say 'The famous Harry Potter likes the perfect, beautiful and rich Draco Malfoy' " Draco mimicked in a pitchy tone. Harry's face dropped in a playful annoyance, "what did they actually say?" He asked. Draco sighed and smiled remembering actually hearing this one time, " 'did you hear? harry likes that death eater piece of-' " harry cut him off truly upset now. "Did they actually?" Harry asked angrily. "Yeah, but it's fine I was a death eater, and I was a piece of shit" Draco shrugged. "Who called you that and who made you think that because both are far from the truth." Harry stiffened. Draco was frozen in place, who had made him feel like that? Well his father did always tell him... "my dad I guess" Draco concluded. Harry was shocked, "well there is a reason I testified at your trial, and it is not because you were or are a death eater piece of shit, it's because you're interesting and funny and beautiful, you're a fucking genius and your wonderful at everything you do, you're perfect all the way around and I have never blamed you for your spot, it was checkmate from the start." Harry said. Draco had done it, not only was he flattered and shocked but he he gotten harry to admit his feelings for him. "I didn't- shit" harry cussed. "What? Don't tell me you don't like me harry, I know better then that" Draco smirked at the shorter boy who blushed deeply and leaned back on a table. "Yeah... maybe I do, but that's not going to ruin our friendship thing... right?" Harry asked nervously.

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