Chapter VI: The Successors

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Bruce sighs as he prepares to shoot his grappling hooks toward the blimps above.




Bruce uses the grappling line to climb over the building and falls in front of a man wearing a clown mask.


Bruce beats down the man over and over again.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the homewrecking Bruce Wayne..." sneered the man.

"I'm not Bruce Wayne..." said Bruce. "I never was."

He snickers. "We're not afraid of you... Not anymore..."

Bruce's eyes widen, hearing such a thing. Bruce then squints his eyes. "Well... You're gonna be again..."



Chapter 5: Successors

"I hear whispers... Whispers of sorrowful men and women whispering constantly within the inner dimensions of my crown..." said the man. "Hay Naku-hu~u~u~u~u~u...." he sighed cool breath.

"Uh..." said Patrick. "Excuse me, sir. But quit being a psycho bitch in my face, yes?"

"Hmhmhmhmhm..." chuckled "Miguel JoJo." "For the power of frost supplements my hunger. Each snowflake has a different dimension staring back at us... A dimension that reflects the discord of our dimension."

"I'm guessing that you're another variant," said Josuke.

"Miguel Alexander JoJo. People call me the Ice Reaper..." he said, as he blew a cloud of ice from his mouth. "Give me the armor. That object is a property of A.R.G.U.S."

"Um... No. Go fuck yourself," said Gumball, sneering.

"Really...?" asked Miguel.

"How old are you? 17? 18? I don't need any dumbed-down kiddie version of Miguel to tell me what to-..."




A very large light blue Star Platinum swings a heavy punch into his face. Gumball's face then freezes all over into an ice block. He drops to the ground.


Everyone prepares to attack.

"Do you want me to activate 'The World?'" he squinted his eyes.

Everyone stands down.

"Move and I'll kill you... As you can see..." Miguel flutters his hand over his crown. "I can defeat you with ease..."


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