Chapter X: Gabrielle JoJo Returns

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Miguel Ibarra opens the door and sees Jess, nude before him.

Jess smiled as he stared at Miguel, seductively.

"Seduction and adultery attempt, detected," said Miguel.

"What?" asked Jess, as Miguel walks in. "Ooh. Are you gonna-?"

Miguel turns away from him and grabs two pairs of scissors. 

"Um... What are you-?"

"Invisibility mode... activate."

"What the f-?"

Miguel stabs himself in the eyes.

"OH MY SHIT!!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" asked Jess, as Miguel's wife, Annalisa, walked in.

Annalisa stares at the two men, with the femboy one naked and Miguel having scissors in his eyes.

"Ha! What's wrong? Jealous?" sneered Jess.

"No. But I am going to call the cops for trying to harass my husband and getting himself to blind himself again."

"How did you-?"

"Miguel would never cheat on me... on purpose. Plus, we made promises to each other. And I can see that he's keeping it on his end."

"Anz. Get the broom. There's a femboy here. Or a newspaper. I'll whack the shit outta him before he tries to dirty my body with his... ADULTEROUS WAYS!!!"

Annalisa gives Miguel the broom AND the newspaper.

"HELL YEAH!!!" Miguel beats Jess with his broom. "GIT, FEMBOY!!! GIT ON OUTTA HERE!!!"

"Ow! Ow! Fuck! Jesus! Asshole!" he opens a portal and speeds away with the Speed Force.

"Thanks, Miguel..." smiled Annalisa.

"Yeah... Also, my eyes are bleeding..." smiled Miguel, taking the scissors out of his eyes and regenerating. "Hyehyehyeheyahyeahyeahyeahyeahyehyhyahyhayhyahyahya!!!"

Annalisa sighs. "Eat." Annalisa gives Miguel some bread and fish, which he gouges down.

"Thanks... been hungry after the... several beatings I've had these past two months. A month ago, I fought a fuckmothering Speedster and GOT fuckmothered. Now, fighting a strange Space Ogre thinking he's a Dark messiah. Fuckmother that guy."

"Isn't the Dark Messiah an actual thing? And why 'fuckmother?' You only use that when you're reeeeal upset. Lest you are reeeal upset..."

"I am and I don't care, Annalisa. What matters is I find a way to kill him. Probably with Radion or some shit."

"Radion can kill you, too," said Annalisa.

"Yeah. But it's worth a shot," said Miguel.

"Where would you get it?"

"I would get it um... I dunno... Space?"

"'Space.' So, you're leaving again?"

"Wanna come with?"

"Miguel. We have kids."

"We could have Gabrielle babysit!"

"First of all, no. Gabrielle is too mentally broken right now. Second of all, how is she?"

"Y'know, she's... she's fine... She finally talked to Narcos. They hugged and he's... well, he's taking care of her."

"Same for you. Stay, Miguel. I don't want to see you dead on the News and the whole Multiverse painting me as the world's most famous widow."

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