Chapter XIV: The Weakest Stand

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In 1982, on Earth-Star, in the Lorraine region of that world's France, a group of six people went on a hiking trip in the mountains and had gotten lost. 

All six were eventually found dead, their bodies showing signs of intense struggle amongst themselves. 

After looking into the matter, discovered that the night before their deaths, the hikers had stayed in a mountain lodge and quarreled with its owner over his body odor. 

As a result of his anger, the lodge's owner's Stand ability was triggered, causing the hikers to massacre each other the next morning.

2011 SY... Or... 2051... MY.... Around 22 years later after the Survivor Event...

Author's Note: Earth-Star IS NOT the original JoJo's world. It is the world where Irene Kujo was born. It is a variant of the original universe which was already destroyed in this continuity. But Jotaro's spirit remains in every world in some form or another, and the same goes for every... Joestar...

Goku opens his eyes. "Duu duu, duu duu duu... Duu duu duu duu..."

"Place the DISC in a cockroach..." spoke a voice through the radio, as Pucci uses Whitesnake and places the DISC in the cockroach in the jar, and lets it release to attack...

"Ugh... Goddamn it, Kakarot. Please remind me why you're singing that accursed song whenever you charge your Spirit Ball or Ghost Bomb or whatever."

"Guys..." sighed Mob. "Can you not yell? Saitama's trying to sleep. He's kinda uhm... tired... from all the fighting..."

The cockroach crawls around on the ground and begins activating its new Stand: Survivor.

Author laughs: Hehehehehehe...

OBA: You're gonna make the fans get pissed again...

Author: Why? 

OBA: You're gonna make these four fight the weakest Stand... with its user being a cockroach.

Author laughs: Hyehyehyehyehyehyeheyhyeh...

OBA: You're evil.

Author laughs: Blooheehoo... heheheheeheheeeheeheee...

Suddenly, Survivor's Colony began crawling around, proceeding to possess the four.

"I said... be quiet..." said Mob, as the pair begin arguing louder. "Be quiet... Please...! I SAID...!!! BE... QUIET!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!" yelled Vegeta.


Mob's hair begins turning into tentacles. "You think you're the only ones who got stronger?"

"Is that a threat? You think I'd be afraid of Psychic Moe Howard?"

"I'm very, VERY MAD!!!" yelled Goku. "VERY MAAAAAD!!!"

"SHUT UP, KAKAROT!!! I SHOULDA WON!!! In our first battle..."

"For some reason, I'm also aggression right now!" he yelled.

"Yes, Kakarot. FIGHT ME!!! FUCKIN' FIGHT ME!!! Yeeeeeeaaaah!!!"


"NOT IF WE KILL YOU FIRST!!!" yelled Vegeta.

Vegeta turns Ultra Ego and blasts at Mob as he crashes outside the building.

Vegeta sneers and cackles wildly as he grabs Mob's head and thrashes him about.

Mob then strangles him with his Psychic Vines and begins choking the life outta him, but Vegeta headbutts him as he crashes into a building.

Vegeta roars. "What form is that...?"

Mob speaks. "12 Trillion PERCENT!!!"

Vegeta laughs. "Pathetic..."

Goku beats down Vegeta. "SURPRISE ATTACK!!!"

"KAKAROT YOU IDIOT!!! I ALMOST... HAD HIM!!!" Vegeta knocks his teeth in. "FUCK OFF!!!"

"I DON'T WANNA TRAIN WITH CHI-CHI RIGHT NOW!!!" yelled Goku, headbutting him.


"I'M... NOT... A CARROT CAKE!!!" Goku punches him over and over in his True Ultra Instinct form. "I'M GOKU!!! AND I AM A SAYA GENIE!!!"


Mob knocks Vegeta in the face, then Goku as they crash into a mountain. "I'M TIRED OF YOUR STUPID ANTICS... OF ENDANGERING ME ALL THE TIME!!! OF YOU YELLING ME!!! CALLING ME MOE HOW-!!!"

Vegeta grabs Mob's mouth. "SHUT YOUR TRAP, MOE HOWARD!!! THE STOOGES MISS YA!!!" Vegeta throws him into the moon as Goku grabs Vegeta's feet and throws him into Saturn, as Goku teleports through instant transmission and reaches a mining corporation on the Moon, catching Vegeta before Mob teleports through a portal and makes their heads crash into each other.

Goku instant transmissions back into the city and scrapes their heads into the concrete ground, as several people who witness this begin running away.

Ricks and Morties began surrounding the trio.

"W-w-w-we're detecting a Stand is attacking them nearby! We suggest to evacuate the... *BUURRRP!!!* city!" yelled a Rick.

"Aw Geez..." said Morty. "I-I-I-I suggest we calm everyone down..."

"SHUT UP!!!" Vegeta prepares blasting them all to oblivion before Goku kicks him down and striking him over and over, but Vegeta goes on the defensive and laughs harder.

Mob joins in and fights both Saiyans before a red fist comes flying toward them and releasing a punch so powerful that the blast shook the entire universe.

Saitama faces the trio. "ALL-... ENDER!!!"

Saitama punches them so hard that the universe began to break and seep in dark matter.

"Pucci... Getting out of control..." said the voice.

Pucci sighs and places a DISC into the air before him. It vanishes in thin air but reality regulates itself once more.

Saitama blasts several punches at the trio as they keep on tanking the punches over and over.

"Ka... Me... Ha... Me..."




"FIFTY TRILLION PERCENT!!!" roared Mob before he began shaking all of reality.

The beams shoot Saitama but Saitama slaps it away. Saitama charges and prepares one last punch only for...

Koichi to walk in the apartment. "What the hell happened!?" asked Koichi, before seeing the cockroach.

Pucci watches behind the corner as Koichi gets grossed out by the roach.

"Gross." Koichi steps on it as a DISC falls out of it, causing Koichi to grab the DISC.

Pucci opens a portal and leaves the premises.

Suddenly, Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, and Mob stop themselves from fighting each other, as Saitama's fist was inches away from Mob's face.

They pant, terrified at what just happened.

"Why was I aggression?" asked Goku.

"I... don't... know..." panted Vegeta, grabbing his arm in pain.

Saitama looked around. "Uh... guys?"

Mob powers down. "Uh... We could explain! I... think..."

"Christ, I told Bulma to fix our security," said  Vegeta.

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