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Chapter 001: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

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Chapter 001: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now



Emmy's grin stretched wide across her face as her best friend, Quinn Thompson, bellowed it out as she, Emmy and their other best friends, Ben Montgomery and Sasha Richmond, threw their graduation caps into the air along with their classmates. Sasha was laughing and a manic grin stretched on Quinn's face as the caps fell down and she let go to flip both her middle fingers at Renvale High School, yelling, "Thanks for nothing, you shithole!"

"Quinn! It wasn't all that bad," Sasha exclaimed, a disapproving look on her face even as she laughed.

"I'm just being honest, Sash. It was a shithole," Quinn defended.

"You have a point," Sasha conceded, the disapproving look now replaced with a smile.

"Exactly," Quinn said, grinning as she turned back to Renvale High and raised her middle finger again. "See you never, hellhole! Hope to never come near you again!"

"And if we do it will be a day too soon!" Ben shouted as they all laughed—right as the moment the caps fell down, smacking them but they didn't care as the four best friends looped arms around each other and used their free hands to flip Renvale High off again. Because Quinn was right. It had been a hellhole and Emmy was thrilled to have graduated at last, that she could escape both it and Renvale—and she'd have her three best friends by her side.

Lowering their hands, Ben turned to them and asked as he pinched his graduation robe, "Okay, we've said our farewells and flipped off an educational building. Who wants to get these things off?"

"I do. This thing is giving me a rash, I swear to God," Quinn said, an irritated look on her face as she glared at the purple-and-white graduation robes as Emmy deadpanned, "Oh no, graduation robe hives. What a tragedy."

"Come on, as if you're not in as much hell as I am, Ems," Quinn countered, a teasing grin on his face.

"Maybe, but I'm not as vocal about it," Emmy returned, a smirk on her face as Quinn scoffed and elbowed her. Emmy returned it.

"No, Ben and Quinn are right, these things are uncomfortable as hell. Let's get out of here," Sasha agreed, and it was a mutual thought—as nice as the whole graduation ceremony had been, Emmy was eager to go home and get out of this robe that was seriously itchy—like, did the people who made these things made them out of the itchiest material known to man? It was honestly a miracle Emmy hadn't thrown it off and endured the rest of the ceremony in her shirt and jeans.

But as the four friends made to leave, one of Ben's team members shouted, "BONFIRE IN REAGAN WOODS EVERYBODY! Hey, Ben, you and Sasha comin'?"

"Yeah, Dylan. And we're bringing the rest of the gang," Ben answered, as he and Sasha grabbed Emmy and Quinn and they grinned tight grins.

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