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Chapter 009: Dead Girl Walking

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Chapter 009: Dead Girl Walking



12:35 AM, MAY 28TH, 1987


Okay, it's been a few hours since we all went in, and... it's getting creepy now. That, and somehow, Ems, Quinn and Ben have disappeared which, kinda weird but not really supernatural, right?

Sasha laughs nervously, eyeing the hallway as she keeps walking down it.


But I'm sure I'll be able to find them. If not, well, might as well record any "ghosts" on the second one, right?

She makes air-quotes over "ghosts" and laughs again, like she still believes that nothing supernatural is real. And given the time of the recording, she wouldn't be proven wrong yet.


So, yeah, guess I'm ghost-hunting alone for now. 

She looks around, the smile slipping as a nervous look crosses over her face.


God, I hope I find one of the guys soon. This place is so freaking creepy to be in by yourself. And I hope they're also okay, especially with all those weird noises we've been hearing. 

She continues walking down the hallway, biting her lip. 


I know there's a rational explanation, but some of those noises... I don't know, they didn't really sound... normal. But they have to be, right? I mean, ghosts aren't real.

Sasha pauses, smiles.


If the guys were here, then Quinn would probably say it's just the house—that it's old and would make all sorts of weird sounds. Always a rational explanation, right? Ben probably would joke and Emmy... she'd say something really comforting. I know she probably doesn't think it, but she cares the most out of all of us—I think if this did turn into a horror movie, she'd probably sacrifice herself just to make sure we all got out alive. To protect us even if it means she dies.

The smile slips as Sasha hangs her head.


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