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Chapter 005: There's Something In Here With Us

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Chapter 005: There's Something In Here With Us


Things only got creepier since the photos and the branch.

More weird noises started going off in the hours following it—bangs and creaks and groans, and something that sounded almost like fingernails or something much, much sharper scraping across the walls. It was an old house, but the noises... they didn't feel entirely right, and no matter how Emmy, Ben, Quinn and Sasha walked around the house and saw nothing supposedly supernatural or even natural to explain it, Emmy still felt a sense of... weirdness, around the noises.

It didn't help that each minute, each hour, that ticked by, it had grown gradually colder, enough that her friends were beginning to feel it, and along with the growling, Emmy could hear noises apparently neither of her friends could hear—noises that felt almost like whispering... voices.

That unnerved Emmy more than anything, because it brought back memories as a kid, memories of nightmares and fears of shadows and hiding away before gradually knowing it was all in her head, it wasn't real, they weren't real, the voices weren't real and they were gone

But had they? Because Emmy was hearing them again, and it was injecting fear into her bloodstream with each whisper, each rasp, that she was desperately trying to keep at bay and not freak out her friends anymore than they were already being freaked out. Fear that was intensified by the growling.

Growling that didn't sound human.

Along with the noises and the chill, the prickling was near-constant along Emmy's skin, as from the corner of her eye, it was like she could almost see something in the shadows, before disappearing and revealing nothing there. It was probably her freaked-out imagination, making monsters out of shadows and growling and voices out of nothing, but Emmy could feel her cynicism being slowly chipped away with each hour, each noise, each shadow, that passed, helped by the photos of herself and Sasha—the photo of Sasha she knew she couldn't possibly have imagined, that further cracked away at her cynicism of the paranormal.

Because it had to be wrong. Morrow House... it couldn't really be haunted. Ghosts didn't exist.


Eventually, a few hours after the Scooby Gang went in and they wandered around, Emmy, Ben and Quinn found themselves back in the living room. As they stood there, something banged against the wall, causing them to jump and see nothing.

"Probably just the creepy old house doing creepy old house things," Quinn reasoned, but her skeptical expression did little to hide the fear cracking it. 

Emmy swallowed, before she said, "Hey guys, I... I think we should take the camcorder out again."

Ben and Quinn looked at each other, but didn't argue as Ben lifted the camcorder up—Sasha had given it to him a few minutes ago—and handed it to Emmy, who turned it on.

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