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8:17 AM, MAY 28TH, 1987



"We accept the dare." That's what I said, just before we went into Morrow House. If I hadn't said it, if we hadn't accepted it, maybe we'd be fine. Maybe nothing would have happened. Maybe she—

Emmy halts, a shuddering breath slipping out of her. Her face is wracked with the traumas she has seen in Morrow House, that still haunts her, as clear as the guilt that now shadows her face, as she struggles to bring that blankness back, to control her emotions.

The police officers are silent. The gruff one has been writing down what she has said—that everything she's saying has been a statement rather than a recount of the worst night of her life. The scratch of their pens on paper grate at Emmy's ears as she manages to recollect herself. 

On the wall, the camera records everything steadfastly, catching every shift of the trauma, the guilt, slipping as the mask slips back on—right as the smiling police officer looks back at her.


Then what happened, Emmy?

Emmy leans back, fingers tightening on the distressed, blood-spotted sleeves of her jacket, jaw tight.


We headed into Morrow House. A few hours later, it all went to shit. Then, morning came and I've been in here since talking to you two and in desperate need of a goddamned shower and forget last night ever happened.


We need more than that, kid.


That's all I can give you.


It's not enough to absolve you of murder—it's not enough to give us anything. Emmy, you were the only one who saw what happened, who can account for missing time we don't have, to explain the blood and what we've seen—what this case is. We—


We need more evidence that we're not gonna lock up an innocent kid for murder.


Hasn't stopped you before.

The gruff police officer is silent, because he knows she's right. Maybe he even agrees with her.


That doesn't mean I want to be responsible for putting a kid in jail when we could have put the real killer in there instead. So you need to give us some more damn evidence than that, kid. Just... tell us what happened last night.


I can't.


Why the hell not, kid?


Because you won't believe me, just like you didn't believe me earlier when you dragged me in here!

Silence, thick and tense, blows up like a bomb.

Emmy's breaths come out harsh and sharp as the police officers look at each before they look back at her.


Why don't you give us a try in believing you now?

Emmy looks down, the camera not entirely catching her face. The silence drags on, before Emmy looks back up, body more tense than it had been before. She again looks at the camcorder. She takes a breath before she begins speaking.


You want me to tell you what happened last night? What happened to her? The evidence is all on there.

She gestures to the camcorder.


Just turn it on and you'll see

The police officers look at each other before the smiling officer reaches forward and turns on the camcorder. By some miracle, it does, a blinking g red light appearing as the screen glitches before it clears out. And when it does, it reveals Emmy, Quinn, Ben and Sasha, Ben clearly holding the camcorder. The time and date reads 8:15 PM, May 27th, 1987.

The cops look at each other before they look at the recording captured on the camcorder—and the evidence on there.

Emmy watches them, picking at her fingernail, knowing what they'll see, the footage they will be shown right after that moment. The worst night of her life replaying, in all its strange, unbelievable, horrific glory.

She knows they'll believe her now when they see it.

She hopes they do—and how serious it was.

That it can never, ever happen again.


AHHH guys I am having SO MUCH fun with this fic AKKSKSISSNSSH

This was so much fun to write—I'm loving writing in this style and format and bringing in all the found footage, especially now the camcorder is involved!! It's gonna be utilised much more in the following chapters!!

But yeah, next chapter will be the last "calm" one, and then we will be in the plot and Emmy, Quinn, Ben and Sasha are proven very, VERY wrong. Who's ready? >:)

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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