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Chapter 006: No Exit

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Chapter 006: No Exit



12:43 AM, MAY 28TH, 1987

The screen glitches back in, but stutters as Ben, Quinn and Emmy run. Fear is on their faces as they run down the hallway toward the front door. The sound of heavy footsteps is picked up as the monster chases after them, and it gives out another unearthly shriek.


Oh God, it's closing in! It's closing in!


Just keep running!


I don't think we'll be doing anything fucking else, Emmy!

Conversation stops as the front door appears. Immediately Quinn runs to it and grabs the handle, throwing it open with enough force it might fall off.

But instead of revealing the street, endless darkness meets them, as unnerving howls and screeches echo out from the darkness. Cawed hands reach out from it, fangs and red and white eyes shine in it, the things in the darkness reaching closer to them.


What the actual fu—

Emmy and Ben slam the door closed before the things could reach them. The door gives out a bang as the shriek sounds again, and Quinn grabs the door handle.


Uh, I'd rather take my chances with that thing than what's outside!


Do you have any better ideas to get out of here?!

Ben grows silent as Quinn pulls on the door handle. Except this time, it doesn't budge.


Fuck! Come on, come on, fucking open! Let us out!

She now slams on the door, desperation in her body as she screams


Help! Someone, please, help! Get us out of here! HELP!

A shriek sounds, and Emmy's eye grow wide, as if she's sensing something and she grabs Ben's arm. When he turns, along with the camcorder, they see the monster—and some shadowy shapes detach from the darkness, heads turning on broken necks with white, hollow eyes and gaping mouths. The glitching, which is already erratic, goes berserk, the footage choppy.

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