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"Fuck I'm coming, wait." I run to the door, my wet, newly showered hair almost dripping to the floor. As I open the door, I see the boys all standing there. Draco's eyes fall over my nightgown and wet hair, sucking in his lips as the other boys and my best friend smile.

"Surprise," Theo does his normal jazz hands and smiles big; I, on the other hand, stare at them, confused. It's not my birthday, is it?

"What are y'all doing here?" I ask, smiling faintly, before opening the door a bit further.

"We are here for our sleepover," Mattheo smirks, and I raise my eyebrows. Sleepover? No one told me about a silly sleepover; I would have known. I hate them.

"Wow, wow, wow, a what? I disagreed on this." Alec smirks at me, shaking his head.

"Oh, come on, Bells, it's our last night here." I shake my head.

"Which is exactly why we can't do this. I have to wake up early and-" The boys walk into my dorm and past me. Draco, on the other hand, stands by the door, inspecting me with his eyes.

"Guys, I love you all, but I really can't have a sleepover in here tonight. Mary and I have a booked Facetime call in ten, and I dont want a crowd..." I feel Draco's hands around me, staring up at him, smiling.

"Draco..." He only shakes his head.

"Come on, Izabella, you will regret it if we dont do this." I suck in my lips, meeting their gazes. They look hopeful, and if all of my friends want this, then maybe I can change my mind.

"Fuck it, okay. But no one interrupts my beauty sleep, and I get the bed alone-"

"What about me?" Draco gives me a weird gaze, but I only hold my hand.

"Deal, it will be amazing. Imagine telling our future children about our last ever night at Hogwarts." My heart aches when he says it. Last night ever. What will happen tomorrow might change my life forever. What if Draco and I dont pass the real-life stage? I have to go through this day without my best friend sucks; I wish she was here. We had planned every detail, drinking wine in the morning and getting ready. It was perfect. But now? Now, it just feels empty.

"Are you okay there, Bella?" Theo asks, and I wake up from my own thoughts, staring at the boys.

"Uh, yeah. I just need to go call Mary before we have this uh sleepover-" I suck in my lip, and Draco grabs my hand before I leave the room.

"Are you okay? If you want us to leave, we can-"

"No, please stay. It will be fun. I just... I wish she was here. But she is not, and that's okay too. We can have this day in other ways than planned." They all smile faintly, looking sad.

"I will be back; just give me a few?" They nod slowly, and Draco lets go of my hand as I leave the room. I call Mary up the second I'm alone, signal after signal, but no answer. She promised we would talk around this time, so she should answer. She always does. I groan, sitting in a chair in the middle of the common room.

"Come on, Mary, I really fucking need to hear your voice right now." I try again, and when I hear her soft smile, I almost tear up; it sounds real. Not just a phone call laugh but like she is here. I miss her, and I wipe away a tear,

"fuck, I needed that laugh. How are you?"

"Dont cry, Izabella," I smile, then a frown takes place on my lips.

"How did you know?..." I look down at my phone, noticing no call active. What is? I turn around, facing the red-haired girl standing behind me. She has a bright smile on her lips, and her hair is much more wavy than usual.

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