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"Draco.." I lean over him, wiping his way to wake him up without freaking him out. It's dark in his room, which explains how he still can be fully asleep around this time. I smile; it's a good day. Not only are my parents back and safe, but I should be safe forever, or until we know how the rivals react to the news. However, my parents felt the need to take the risk and let me return home to Hogwarts. I stare at him, feeling like a complete creep, but I can't help it. He looks beautiful. My eyes fall over the small object by his side, a teddy rabbit probably small enough to hold with one single hand. My heart beats faster, knowing I was the one to give that to him around ten years ago, and he still has it. I lean over his body for the small item, only for me to trip over him. The body under me sits up, staring at me with tired eyes.

"Izabella?" I smile, feeling like a weird freak for lying over him right now. He was asleep. What does that make me?

"Hey... So, this is uh-" He stared at me, still in my pj shorts and a bra. It's not unusual for him to see me like this, but I didn't mean to fall over him.

"What are you doing over me, darling?" I close my eyes, sighing, fuck. I hear his chuckle before he sits up more and pulls my body down over his lap.

"Better." "I was trying to wake you up, but you are a stone-" He smirks, observing me with a weird look.

"You tried to wake me up by falling over me? Is that a trick you have? Falling over the people you want to wake up?"

"No... I tripped," he smiles, even more, a beautiful smile.

"Good morning, Izabella," I can't help but smile at how he says it. It's so soft and perfect.

"Good morning, Draco," he smiles, pulling my face down before kissing my lips softly, but I pull away.

"Uh uh, morning breath." He rolls his eyes. It's been two days since our date, and he asked me to give him a second chance. Technically, I ruined it the first time, so it wasn't fair for him to take the blame, but he did. He told me to live in the moment with him and that he didn't want to risk any time with me, that I was in control and if I wanted to end it, take a pause or didn't feel comfortable. It was all up to me. I felt it, too; I can't wait. I can not wait for us to know what we want if we never try it. What if it worked out, and we wasted weeks trying? How do you try without actually trying?

"Morning breath? Are you telling me morning breath stops me from kissing my girlfriend, who already spent the night in her bed?" I chuckle. He knows why I did it. And no, it wasn't because I didn't want to sleep with him. He could barely open his eyes, and I wanted to wait for my parents to come home. It was only for a night, and everyone needed to sleep alone sometimes.

"I have news," I say excitedly, and he tilts his head to look at me with a smile.

"Is it a kiss? Because I want a kiss right now, darling." I shake my head.

"We are returning to Hogwarts tonight," he stares at me for a second, ensuring I am telling the truth.

"What?" I nod, and I can see a small smile beginning to take place on his lips.

"Izabella, have you talked to your parents about this? Is it safe?" I suck in my lips, I have no idea if it's safe, but it should be. Dumbledore has been sending thousands of letters to my parents telling them about the situation and that Hogwarts is the safest place on earth.

"It is. They want us to return." I smile bigger, and he nods slowly.

"I have to talk to them, making sure this is-" I kiss him, knowing damn well it's the only way to kiss him, no matter what morning breath. He smiles into it, and his hands fall to my face, bringing me closer to him as he deepens the kiss. My hands fall to his soft blond hair as I fall into it, feeling one hand over my bra.

"You better stop wearing these. It hides my view." He stares down at my boobs, biting his lip before leaving a kiss right on the spot over them.

"So, perfect."

"You can help me back if you get up now?" I stare down at him, his hands on my ass, holding me back on top of him.

"Why dont we stay here for a while?" I lean to his ear,

"Why dont you be a good man and help me pack so we can try my bed back in my dorm?" He looks back at me, rolling his tongue inside his mouth.

"Fuck me, woman,"

"Then get up and help me out before helping your mother with lunch. We are having pasta." I kiss his lips one last time, leaning my hand over his chest and down to his dick before standing up and leaving the room.

"Izabella, dont walk out on me like that," I smirk, walking over to my room.


"You think I give a fuck about some stupid girl right now, Theo? I had two friends, and somehow they both disappeared, and now I'm stuck here with you two." The common room's voices sound familiar as Draco, and I walk in. I smirk and hear Alec talk.

"We get it. You miss her, but so do we. She will be back before we know it."

"Fuck that, you have no idea how close I am to her, I need her here, man. There is no way I can continue with this school bullshit without her, look at me? I'm drinking every day, I smoke, and I oversleep every single morning. I can't do this shit." Draco smirks down at me, shaking his head.

"You have to talk to her, mate; you can't keep acting like you are falling apart without her. What about when you leave Hogwarts?"

"Then I am taking her with me and that blonde fuck. I am not spending a single second without-"

"Me?" I walk into the common room, their eyes falling over me and Draco. Alec stares at me with an open mouth, not understanding what's happening.

"You know, with everything you just said, I expected a" He jumps over me, pulling me into the biggest hug ever, and I can't help but laugh even though I could cry now. God, I love my best friend.

"You are back," he stares at me with a big smile, and I nod.

"Does that mean it's done? You are safe?" I nod, smiling big, and he hugs me again.

"Oh my god, Bells," Mattheo hugs his friend, and Theo hugs me before we switch.

"When did you both get back?"

"Right now," Draco and I both say before smiling.

"Oh god, it is nice to have you back." Theo smiles, and I look over at Alec.

"Help me unpack?" He sucks his lips, staring over the guys knowing I just heard everything.

"Depends... How much trouble am I in?"

"How many bottles of vodka have you had since I left?" My hands fall to my waist.

"Oh, he is definitely in trouble," Theo smirks, and I chuckle. It's good to be home.


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