first fight?

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author's pov

it had been 3 days since the last meeting , abhimaan had called her n number of times only to receive a cold shoulder or no answer , vridha wasn't herself since the last meeting as various things were running in her head


sitting on her bed while typing furiously on the laptop vridha had busied herself in her work , the sounds of her phone ringing echoed through the odly quiet room stopping the typing noises , looking at the number she least wanted to talk to , vridha again focused on her work

the phone rang for the 10th time this past hour , sighing she picked it up
"ji papa" the distress in her voice was perfectly noticeable but the family who couldn't care about her feelings then won't care about it now either
"agli baar call karu toh time par utha lena" his voice still made her hands shiver a bit , if one thing vridha loathed was him , staying num she wanted him to continue and end the call as soon as possible

"tum ghar aarahi ho 3 din baad avi ke birthday party ke liye" without further explanation her father  cut the call , this is what she hated most

even after so many years her opinion about the situation was never valid , what she felt was never valid , they just told her what to do and she had no say in it , no second option , going back to them or just thinking about them brought her back to the times when she was weak , when she let her whole family trample her in the process of going on the top , she thought it wont happen when she made herself independent but guess she's still the same weak vridha she was 7 years ago

a loud thud brought her out of the devil's home , wiping the lone tear that fell she looked up meeting those black eyes again but this time which were staring at her furiously
"and i thought you were dead" he sat in front of her making himself comfortable on the chair as he tried to find out what was going on inside her head

"i wish" she slowly muttered under her breath with a sigh "what? anyways why aren't you answering me as much as i can see your phone seems to be working fine" he did hear her , he just chose to ignore it not because he didn't care but he knew that he's the last person she would love to share her thoughts with

"nahi uthana mujhe phone kisika mae chahe uthau ya na uthau meri marzi hae aur bina bole mere office mae next time mat aaya karo"(i don't want to pick up anyone's call , its my say and next time onwards don't enter my office without being asked to) she threw the glass cup down breaking it into pieces as he just stared at her

"ha toh chikh kyu rahi ho pagal aurat ki tarah , mansik santulan hil chuka hae kya tumhara?" (why are you screaming like a mad woman are you mentally insane or what)

"ha hu mae pagal nahi hae mera mansik santulan thik kya kar loge ha batao kya kar loge just do your own fucking work and stop pocking your nose in mine FOR FUCKS SAKE I DONT NEED ANOTHER HUMAN TELLING ME WHAT TO DO" with every sentence her voice got louder and louder , abhimaan raised his hand in the air making her flinch , he was just trying to rub his face

"the next time you speak like this to me will be your last day , nobody ever talks to abhimaan singh rajput like this and never will" he roared back at her , throwing the rest of the files on the ground she left the office leaving him alone there

abhimaan's pov

looking at the mess i threw the flowers inside the dustbin , i knew something was wrong with her but whatever this was it wasn't acceptable , i don't care who it is you don't raise your voice in front of me and that is final , giving one final glance at the tulips i brought for her i left , one side of brain was furious about the way she behaved and the other? it was worried

why did she flinch? and what was bothering her?

wtf why am i worried for her? cause you care about her idiot
she can go to hell for all i care then why were you here?

why was i here?

vridha's pov

i knew screaming at him wasn't right but he did scream back so its valid , my brain is a mess right now i have to leave for mumbai tonight and i am so not ready for it , for everyone mumbai is the city of dreams but for me its my nightmare and no matter how hard i tried to stay away from them , life pushed me further and further towards that same road

packing the basic needs i walked out of my house "this will be one hell of a week"

chapter aesthetics :

chapter aesthetics :

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