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"Ok boys, it's 9 o'clock now and you have to get ready for bed". "You don't have to go to sleep yet, but you need to be ready". "That includes getting into pajamas, going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and anything else you may need to do". Those were the introductions given to Chris and I by his mom.

My name is Mike and I'm 11 years old. This was my first ever sleepover and I was really excited. I was staying by my best friend's house, Chris Sage.

After receiving the instructions, Chris headed to the bathroom, as I went into the bedroom. It was warm out and I was used to just sleeping in my hanes tighty-whities and didn't even bring my pajamas. Finally Chris came back from the bathroom wearing his pajamas. "Don't you have pajamas", he asked. "This is what I always wear to bed", I responded. "OK, but you do know that they're called UNDERwear", he said. I shrugged and then went to brush my teeth.

After 5 minutes of talking, I asked "why did your mom remind us to go to the bathroom"? He turned to me and asked "Can you keep a secret". "Sure", I said. "You can't tell anyone". I nodded my head. "I'm serious, not a soul,", he said, "Absolutely no one, not even your parents". After we pinky swore, he told me how he has accidents in his sleep and has to wear diapers to bed. "That's why we were reminded to use the toilet and that's why I'm wearing pajamas". I told him that it didn't matter to me. I saw Chris smile and I knew that our friendship would grow stronger. Especially when he said, "I'm hot" and took of his pajamas. Going to sleep in just his diaper. I couldn't help staring for a bit.

When I got home, I couldn't get the thought of Chris wetting the bed out of my head. Where there other 11 year old that have accidents? An older kid that needs to wear diapers, I couldn't believe it. I mean, I was out of diapers by 3, Larry, my 7 year old brother, stopped by 3 and a half. Even Bill, my 4 year old brother, doesn't wear diapers anymore. He only wears pullups at night, and that's just as a precaution.

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