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After supper, my mother called us in for a family meeting. Bill, Larry and I were sitting on the couch, and my mother sat on a chair facing us. "Someone will be upset that we're having this discussion", she said. "But I'm doing it anyways". "As you may or may not know, Mike has been having accidents at night lately". "To help him, I've bought some diapers and pullups for him to wear". "There will be a zero tolerance for anyone poking fun".

I couldn't believe that my mother was being so open to everyone. She then called me up and had me put on the goodnite. It was dark blue with pictures of the different planets on them. As they went up, I felt belittled, but very comfortable in them. She checked them out and then told us to go play together.

That night, I slept like a baby. Peaceful and great. And best of all, I was dry. I mean my bed was, not the goodnite. That was soaked. As I took it off, I noticed that my body didn't feel wet. The goodnite must really draw away the wetness.

I've now been wearing the goodnites for a week and I'm still amazed at how they feel. I was starting to think that I made the right choice in getting myself put back into them. I'm sleeping great, they feel comfortable, and best of all is the feeling when they are wet and squishy.

One morning, I woke up really late and after feeling my wet goodnite, I quickly got dressed. I didn't want to be late. As I got to school, I regretted the decision of not taking a shower. The goodnite causes the wetness to have disappeared, but not the smell. And kids were starting to notice. Chris came over to me, and asked me whether I smelled something funny. I told him I didn't. He then asked why I smelt like he used to. I didn't understand his question and told him so. "Why do you smell like you peed yourself", he said. I turned bright red, and through tears, I stammered "because I started to have accidents at night". I then told him everything. He told me that he understood.

Together we went to class. As we entered, Mrs. Huggins pulled me aside and asked me how it's going. I told her that I was fine. After a look that meant that she knew a secret, she gave me a sealed note to give to the nurse. I went downstairs and handed the nurse the note. Once she read it, she nodded and told me to sit on the exam table. I had no idea what was happening, but did it anyways. "So Mike", said the nurse, "your teacher tells me that you are a bedwetter". I nodded my head, embarrassingly. "She also says that you smell like pee today, and asked me to check to make sure that you didn't have a daytime accident". "So please take off your pants".

I couldn't believe what was happening. "I didn't have an accident", I said. "The smell is from last night's accident, as I didn't take a shower this morning". The nurse nodded her head and said, "but then it shouldn't be so strong, unless you're a real heavy soaker". "So just let me check". I pulled off my pants, so I was standing in my red, white, and blue striped briefs. "How patriotic", said the nurse as she checked for any wetness.

As she examined me, she came across a bit of a wet spot and exclaimed, "here's the issue". When I peed earlier, I must have not wiped myself completely dry and dripped into my undies causing a wet spot, so she must have found that. She then called my mother and got permission to diaper me. Humiliated, she sprinkled baby powder and then put a diaper on me. I was then sent to class. With my huge butt, too small pants, and the crinkle sound emitting from my bottom, it wouldn't take long for everyone to notice my new undergarment. And I was mortified.

As I headed back to class, as slowly as I could, I started to think back to my original decision of trying to get diapers. All I had wanted was to try one, not to be diapered in school. I debated about ditching school, but I knew that I would never get away with it. Besides all it would do is delay the inevitable.

Finally, with a heavy heart, I opened the door to my classroom. The class was in middle of taking a quiz. They looked up and saw me waddle inside. As the class started to mutter, Mrs. Huggins gave me a nod and quickly told them to keep quiet. Personally, I would've rather the noise, because the diaper kept on crinkling as I walked to my seat.

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