Did It Work

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The next thing I knew, my mother was shaking me awake. "Mike, you alarm is ringing, that means you had an accident". I was so zombie like, that my mother had to take me out of my bed. She then unhooked the alarm and had to carry me to the toilet. Once, my briefs were off and I was sitting on the toilet, she went back to my room to change my sheets. After about 5 minutes, she came back holding 2 pairs of underwear. "Here you go", she said. I was too sleepy to even move, so my mother had to help me into them. After the alarm was reset, I was helped back to bed wearing a pair of solid blue briefs under the black and Grey striped ones.

I was awoken at 6:45 with my alarm ringing. I tried to press the snooze button but it wasn't working. As I rolled over to check it out, I realized that it wasn't my morning alarm ringing, rather it was the bedwetting one. I quickly jumped out of bed and yanked the connecting pieces off. I then ran to the bathroom, to finish my business.

My mother must have heard the alarm because she came to check up on me. She also brought me a new pair of briefs to wear. "I figured that you ran out without a clean pair", she said. I thanked her for them, and put them on. That's when I noticed that they weren't my regular white ones, but a solid green pair. "Why did you give me the night briefs", I asked. "I decided to throw out your white ones", she said, "they were old and full of pee stains". Although I was embarrassed, I agreed to the logic.

I left the bathroom to get dressed, when I bumped into Larry. He had just woken up and was heading to the bathroom in his tighty-whities. "Sorry", I said as I tried to brush by. "No problem", he said. But then he glanced down at my briefs and started to laugh. "Why are you wearing baby briefs", he asked. Humiliated, I gave him a punch and ran to my room.

As I closed the door, I heard him asking my mother about my tighty-whities. I also heard her answer, "Mike has been having an issue". "He has been wetting the bed lately ". She then proceeded to tell him everything. From the yellow stains on my underwear to the alarm. I couldn't believe how much my mother was revealing. But then she warned him that he better not tell anyone or make fun of me. At least I had my mother on my side.

This routine has been going on for a couple of weeks now. I've been really tired as the alarm kept on waking me up. Actually, it was more like waking my mother up, whom then proceeded to bring me to the bathroom. I asked my mother how long it will take, and was told that it takes the alarm an average of 4 weeks to start working. By now, I had completely forgot about my desire to try diapers. I just wanted the accidents to end.

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