The End

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As I continued to regress, my mother started to look for alternative answers. One night just before I went to bed, she came into my room holding a bunch of papers. She told me that she found a website that explained the you could use hypnosis to end bedwetting. I was very skeptical, but it was worth a shot.

We got an appointment for the following week and I was extremely nervous. We sat in the waiting for 15 minutes until it was our turn to be seen by the doctor. We went inside the room. The first thing I noticed was the vibrant pictures on the walls. The next was that the doctor was a short, skinny, old lady. She introduced herself and then got onto business. She talked and talked, until the session was over. The funny thing is that I couldn't remember a thing, we discussed. But I walked out with an extremely wet pullup

After a few more sessions, she managed to coax everything out of me. How I tried to make myself wet, in order to try diapers. When my mother heard this, she gave me a big hug. "You should've told me, I would've bought you some to try". I explained that I was embarrassed. I was asked whether, I still liked them. I said that they were comfortable, yet I didn't like peeing in them.

As my mother was talking, I heard a beeping sound. I twisted and turned until I realized it was my alarm ringing. As I woke up, I didn't recognize the room. After much looking around, I realized that I was still in Chris's house. All of these accidents had just been a dream. Feeling very happy about this, I started to come to my senses that my bladder was pretty full. I pulled off my blanket and smelt a huge pee smell. Smiling, I now understood why Chris still wore diapers to bed. I got out of bed, and realized something felt wrong. With a quick glance, I noticed that my bed, blanket, and tighty-whities were soaking wet.

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