A Bigger Size

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That night, I had the best sleep I have had in a while. I couldn't believe that it was 7 in the morning when I woke up. I felt so refreshed. With no alarms ringing, I slept so peacefully. I even had a dry goodnite. Well, it is true the goodnite is dry. But I still had an accident. How did that happen, you ask. With the goodnite being tight, with my twisting and turning it must have popped open. So when I peed, it went straight to my bed, leaving me with a dry goodnite but a wet bed. I think this is the worst thing that could have ever happen.

I quickly got up, put on some underwear and ran to take a shower. When I came out, I bumped into my mother. "Did the goodnite hold all of your urine", she asked. "It's bone dry", I sadly said. "That's great, so why are you sad", she asked. Ashamed, I told her how it ripped off of me, and now my entire bed is soaking wet. "Oh, let's clean it up", she said.

She took me by the hand and led me to my room. "Woo, it stinks in here", she stated. I gave a sniff, and even though I was semi used to the pee smell, it was bad. She opened my window, and we proceeded to scrub my room clean. I was allowed to stay home from school today, because we would be going shopping for goodnites together. My mother wanted to make sure they would fit me right this time.

After we dropped Larry and Bill at their respective schools, we started on our errands. "The schedule would be as follows, first we'll go to the waffle house for breakfast, then we'll get your goodnites", my mother told me. "Afterwards we'll go bowling, lunch and then home". I was excited because it sounded like a fun day.

After breakfast, we pulled into the target parking lot. As we entered the store, we bumped into my mother's friend, Jan. "Hey Jan, it's been such a long time, how have you been", said my mother. They stood there talking for a bit, as I looked on completely ignoring the conversation. Until I heard my name. "Oh, Mike is feeling fine", I heard my mother say. "I took him out of school for the day". "He has started to wet the bed and I'm putting him back in diapers". "So I decided to give him a fun day, to help counter whatever he may be feeling". I wanted to dig a hole to hide in. I felt a tap on my head, it was Jan. "Don't worry, accidents happen and your secret is safe with me".

We finally entered the store and headed to the diaper aisle. As my mother searched for the right size, I heard my name being called. It was my teacher, Mrs. Huggins. She told us that her 1 year son is sick with the flu and she needed to be home with him. "But why are you out of school", she asked. My mother then proceeded to tell her all about my accidents. "I've noticed that you've been more tired lately, it must be because you're not getting enough sleep". "Hopefully the diapers will work", she said.

My mother ended up taking 3 packages of diapers. The goodnites version that should fit me, the store brand, and one of real tape on diapers. We put them on the conveyor belt for the cashier to ring them up. "Someone is having accidents", the cashier asked. "Yes", my mother answered, "Mike's been wetting the bed every night". "Don't worry about it", the cashier said, "my son also wore them, it took him until he was 9 to stop". Humiliated and ashamed, I whispered "I'm 11". "Oh, my bad", she said, "you'll grow out of it eventually.

We paid for them and got to the car. That's when I started to complain to my mother. "Why do you have to tell everyone about my problem", I asked. "What's the issue", she said. "It's just a medical issue". "But if you want me to stop, I will". We then headed to bowling.

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