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Thankfully, I got through the day without anyone questioning my huge butt. The first thing I did when I got home, was take off the diaper. I then put on my undies and looked to get rid of the diaper. I wanted to dispose of it, before my family notices it. I couldn't put it in my diaper genie, as this one had different designs than the ones I have at home. So I got a black shopping bag to put it in and decided that I would bring it one block to the shopping center's garbage. As I picked up the diaper, I was shocked to notice that there was some yellow wetness inside. I must've had a leak or two.

As I was walking down the street, I got stopped by two of my classmates, Peter and Braden. "Hey Mike", said Braden. I turned and tried to ignore them, knowing what I was holding. "Mike, Mike", they yelled. Knowing that I was screwed either way, I turned to them. "Oh, I didn't see you guys", I said. We started to talking. After a bit, the conversation turned to my disappearance from class. I brushed it off, but knew they were on my tail. After another 5 minutes, we said our goodbyes.

I was so happy that I got away from them, whilst holding my shopping bag with the diaper inside, that I started to whistle. I was in a great mood, that subconsciously I started to swing the bag around. That's when the bag ripped, sending a diaper flying backwards. As I turned around to see where it landed, I saw 2 boys staring at me. That's right the diaper fell backwards, right in front of Peter and Braden. I saw their smiles and quickly ran home.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early so I could shower. During breakfast, my mother told me that I had to bring a package of goodnites to the nurse. I tried to protest, but was told that they needed to be there just in case. I begged her to at least drive me, so I wouldn't have to carry them on the bus. But she was late to work and couldn't.

I emptied all my school stuff out of my knapsack and stuffed the goodnites inside, instead. I then took my school stuff and put them inside a shopping bag. As I got to the bus stop, everyone wanted to know why I had 2 bags. I told them that I was bring some of my stuff for the science fair just a few weeks early. It looked like they bought it. At least they did until Braden arrived. "Why do you have 2 bags", he asked, "is one for your change of clothes". I wanted to deny it, but my facial expression and the crimson color on my face gave it away. I then spent the entire bus ride being chanted at "baby, baby".

I walked into the school building with a heavy heart. I went straight to the nurses office. As I pulled open the door, I saw the nurse talking to Mrs. Huggins. "Good morning Mike, how was your night", Mrs. Huggins said. "Good", I responded. "What can I do for you", asked the nurse, "don't tell me that you already had an accident". I was too embarrassed to talk, that I just pulled the goodnites out of my knapsack and placed them on the desk. The nurse figured out what they were for and wrote my name on the package. She then assured me that it would be our secret and sent me to class.

20 minutes into class, I felt a twitch in my bladder. Knowing that I probably should go to the bathroom, I raised my hand. With Mrs. Huggins knowing my situation, she broke her rule of "no bathroom breaks for the first hour". I ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet for 5 minutes, but I had no luck in relieving myself. So I just headed back to class. At 10:20 I felt a sharp pain and quickly raised my hand. But this time, I didn't get permission, right away. By the time I was able to head to the bathroom, I had to hold my crotch to prevent a wetting incident inside the classroom.

Once I was on the toilet, a steady stream came out. I felt really good, that is until I pulled my goodnite up. They were wet and uncomfortable. I had 2 options, suffer with wet undies or suffer by going to the nurse for a change. I chose to wear my wet goodnite. I headed back to class. As I headed to my seat, Mrs. Huggins called me to her desk. "Mike, as an experienced mom, I can tell that you had an accident". "I don't want you to get a rash, so you need to go to the nurse for a change". Left with no choice, I headed to the nurses office.

I headed downstairs, feeling really ashamed. All I wanted was to try some diapers, not to be diaper dependent. When I got to the nurse, she gave me a new one to change into. I walked into her bathroom and shut the door. I undressed, taking note that it was a good thing I came when I did. The goodnite I was wearing was pretty full. Once I was in the bathroom, I peed. As I left the bathroom, I was hiding the wet one, and I asked the nurse wear to put my used goodnite.

That's when I heard a small kid state, "why is that big boy wearing a pullup"? "Even I don't wear them anymore"? The nurse responded that everyone stops having accidents at their own time and for some people it takes longer. She then told me where to place it. I got rid of it and left.

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