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It was about a 5 weeks after I had started with, what my family calls, the bell, when I was given a shopping list. I headed to the store, two blocks away from my house, with our wagon to carry the groceries back home. I loved going shopping for my mother, I always used the time to recollect my thoughts and I always had a fun time. My mother is very meticulous, that the shopping list is in the order of the aisles. I started to go up and down the aisles crossing all the items off the list.

I was finished with the food items and was now headed to the toiletries aisle. After I restocked on soap and shampoo, I checked the list. The next items were in the baby aisle. I entered it and immediately added the baby powder and the baby wipes to the cart. Afterwards I got the pullups 4t-5t for Bill.

I then looked for the next item, but couldn't find it, as I never heard of them. So I proceeded to the help desk. "Excuse me ma'am", I said. "Yes", the lady behind the counter said. "What are goodnites and where can I find them", I asked. "Oh, they're bedwetting pants, just like the pullups in your cart", she said, "they'll be in the baby aisle, aisle #12". She gave me a smile, as I thanked her and walked away slightly embarrassed.

I ran back to the aisle and grabbed a package of the extra small spiderman ones. I quickly paid for my groceries and left. The whole way home I couldn't figure out why my mother wanted two different packages of pullups for Bill. I guess he was outgrowing the toddler size ones.

"I'm home", I yelled and went to the play room to build some Lego. I left the shopping in the wagon for Larry to put away. After all I did the shopping, he can help out. I heard him walking around putting everything away. Suddenly, I heard him ask my mother where something goes. "Oy, Mike got the wrong size", she said. "Put them in my room", she said. I don't know why but I started to blush.

Bedtime came and I came out of the bathroom wearing my 2 pairs of briefs. I walked to my room to set up the bell, when I found my mother sitting on my bed. "Mike, sit down", she said. "I know you won't like this, but remember, I only want what's best for you". I just nodded along.

She then proceeded to give me a long speech. "I know it's not your fault, and I know it will be a bit embarrassing, but bedwetting isn't fun". "It's been 2 months, since you've started to wake up wet, and we've been washing sheets every day". "The doctor told us to wait and we have". "We tried bedwetting alarm from the Coopers, but it hasn't helped at all". "I was talking to Chris's mom and she told me a secret". "Did you know that Chris also used to wet the bed". "And before he tried the alarm, he used to wear diapers to bed every night". "As embarrassed as he was, he was grateful that he was able to sleep without being disturbed". "I thought that you should try some". "Therefore I wanted you to buy goodnites, they're bedwetting pullups meant for older kids, that should fit you". "Unfortunately, I didn't specify that, and the ones you bought, may be too small on you, but can you try one on".

She then handed me a blue goodnite with pictures of spiderman on it. I took it from her. As I was holding it, I realized, this was the moment of truth, the moment I was once waiting for. But now that it was here, I couldn't have been more humiliated.  I took off my underwear and stepped into it. It was definitely small, but it was good enough for the night. With that my mother gave me a playful patch on my tush and kissed me goodnight, "I hope it works", she said.

I just laid on my bed feeling the goodnite. It didn't feel too comfortable, as it was tight and stretching. Maybe if it was my size it would be better. But the spiderman design was cool. Eventually I fell asleep.

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