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After 2 weeks of having thoughts and dreaming of wet beds and diapers, I decided that I have to try it out. I gave it much thought and decided to try them. I tried to put one of Bill's pullups on but they didn't fit. I was distraught, until I figured out my plan. If I were to wet the bed enough times, my mother would definitely put me back in diapers. Once I would try them for a bit, I would stop. Simple as that.

That night, I made sure to drink a lot. When it was time for bed, I took off my clothes, brushed my teeth and made sure I didn't use the toilet. I was very giddy, and feeling naughty. I went to sleep and woke up at 7 in the morning. I gave a look at my white hanes briefs, but I was bone dry. I guess it wasn't so simple.

The next night, I repeated the process. Except this time, as I got into bed, I tried to pee. It took a really long time and a lot of pushing, but I eventually managed to dribble a bit. My underwear looked slightly wet.

This time I was woken with an urge to pee at around 4:30. Automatically, I ran to the bathroom, pulled down my tighty-whities and started to pee. As I was sitting on the toilet, I noticed the small pee stains on my underwear and remembered my plan. I stopped my flow, pulled my briefs back up and proceeded to finish doing my business in them. They felt a bit gross, but I was willing to deal with the discomfort, in order to get my end result of trying diapers.

That morning, I got up, and admired the yellow color, on my once white briefs. The problem arose, as I was now feeling very embarrassed. I didn't want any of my siblings to know about my "accident". So instead of telling my mother, I just placed my briefs in the bottom of the hamper, and hoped she would find them.

This routine went on for nine days before anything happened. Finally it was the second laundry day after I had started to have accidents when my mother came to my room. "Mike, we need to talk", she said. Even though I knew what was coming, I immediately felt my cheeks flush. "Are you having any issues at night", she asked. "What do you mean", I said. "Do you have any problems with knowing when you need to go pee", she said. "No", why would you ask me that", I said. "This is why", she said, holding up my tighty-whities. "Every pair in the laundry has a large yellow stain, and they all smelled like pee, as do your linen", said my mother. "How could that be", I asked. "I don't know", she said, "but please pay more attention, because if there's an issue, then we need to fix it". "Ok", I said, " I'll pay more attention". She gave me a kiss and told me that she loved me. She then left my room. As she was leaving I replayed the conversation in my head, realizing that I had gotten cold feet.

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