Chapter Two

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The night was just as hard for Wanda and the twins. Although the two had broke it to the boys softly. Both Billy and Tommy couldn't really sleep either, so they both soon joined Wanda in her bed. As Wanda lay on her back, staring at the ceiling as the soft snores filled the room.

The next morning was just as tiring, even after the twins had gotten on the bus, Natasha had popped over to see her best friend.

"Are you ok?" She asked Wanda who just chuckled dryly.

"Y/N and I are getting a divorce." She told her.

"What did they do?" Natasha questioned as she approached her.

"Nothing." Wanda told her honestly. "It's just, I still love them but I." She turned to face her. "I hurt too damn much even now because they aren't here. They do everything that a parent does for the twins, makes time for their games and competitions but then there is no time for us."

"Did you try and talk to them before you decided to do this?" Nat asked her as she shrugged.

"It wouldn't have made a difference." Wanda whispered with tears in her eyes. "This is what's best for us."

"Where are they staying now?" She asked as Wanda picked up the towel  again.

"Bucky's just until they find an apartment nearby." She informed her. "I just miss who we used to be, when we were in college before the twins."

"We can't go back Wan." Nat told her sadly as Wanda nodded.

"I know, believe me." She gave her a sad smile. "I just, before the twins we were ok and we even graduated college before they were born, but I just wish that we maybe never got pregnant at such a young age because they threw themselves straight into work to provide for us."

"Well babies and hospital bill are pretty expensive." Nat reasoned as Wanda nodded.

"Yeah, not to mention buying a house." Wanda scoffed.

"What?" Nat was shocked.

"They never even discussed it with me when they bought this house. I thought we were renting it all of these years but they bought it." She told her friend.

"That's amazing Wanda." Nat beamed. "You don't have to worry about losing your home."

"I know." Wanda sighed. "I'm not angry that they did this, I guess I just wanted to have more of them than I got."

"I know Wanda, but this could be the best thing for the four of you." Nat reassured her.

"Thank you for being here Nat." Wanda whispered as Nat wrapped her arms around her. Holding her as she sobbed.

She wondered how she was going to tell her parents about the divorce. She was worried on their views since they both loved Y/N and knew they would be perfect for their little girl. But she never had to worry as Y/N had already took it upon themselves to tell the in laws.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Mrs Maximoff beamed as she ushered them inside.

"I just need to talk to the both of you since Wanda is probably going insane wondering how she is going to tell you." They told the two of them. "We are getting a divorce."

"What?" Oleg boomed as Y/N took a deep breath.

"I am still very much in love with her but I took her forgranted." They told them. "Since the boys were born, I threw myself straight into work and we never really had time to be us."

"Well, raising and providing for a family is a struggle." Oleg stated as Iryna held his hand.

"It is a struggle." Y/N admitted. "I guess I just lost touch in who we were as a couple and Wanda isn't happy and she is set in this decision because as much as I could say it would change and fight for the marriage, I know that would be a lie because of my job and if I were to cut back, we would lose money and the boys college funds won't increase vastly either."

"The boys will be ok for now." Iryna told them as they shook their head.

"I don't want them to have to go to community college. I want them to choose the best colleges for their dream jobs." Y/N told them both. "I also have another fund for Wanda to decide with what she wants to do with it. She can open up a shop, cafe or a bakery. I just want her to be happy and if I am not the one making her happy, I would happily step aside so she can be."

"You are a good kid." Oleg stated as he sat forward. "You always have been and you are perfect for Wanda. Maybe a separation would be best?"

"No, she has her heart set on divorce." They told them. "I just wanted to tell you because I know she will worry about this, especially since she needs you both now more than ever." With that, Y/N bid their goodbyes and left the two.

As Monday fast approached and Y/N had took the day to look at some apartments. Soon falling for a two bedroom only 10 minutes away from the house. Already deciding on taking it, they seen a message from Wanda.

'We need to talk'

Once they had made an appointment to sign the lease and get the keys, they made their way towards the house. Taking a deep breath as they knocked on the door.

"You don't have to knock." Wanda told them as she let them inside.

"I don't live here Wanda so yes I do." They told her firmly. "This is your home." Those words hit Wanda like an 18 wheeler as she poured some coffee.

"I guess so." She handed them their cup before she pursed her lips, leaning on the counter as she kept a lot of distance between the two. "Why did you tell my parents?" She questioned.

"I knew you would worry about their reaction." They answered her honestly. "I just told them the truth about it all and they want to be there for you and the boys Wanda."

"But I should have told them." She told them sternly as Y/N sighed.

"Wanda, if I can't do this something for you, take the stress off of you for once then what type of person am I?" They questioned as they stepped closer. "I know we aren't together but I still want to make sure you aren't stressed and you're ok, because that's all I will ever want."

"Ok." She whispered as she moved back. "I just, I was caught off guard by it." She looked up into their eyes before speaking once more. "Then who is going to be there for you through this?"

"I will be fine." They told her. "I always am." They stepped away from her as they played with their fingers, picking the skin on their cuticles. "I guess I will head out and I will see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Wanda whispered as she took a deep breath.
Closing her eyes as she heard the door close once more. Her heart was breaking at this moment as she knew there was no coming back from this.



The second chapter is here guys. Please let me know what you think

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