Chapter Five

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As the weeks went on, it only gotten harder for Y/N. Except on the nights they had the twins, the two of them playing Crash Bandicoot on the PSOne as Y/N would cook. The weekends turned into a couple of nights during the week as Wanda had decided to go to the community college.

"Ok, here is dinner." Y/N told them. They had dino nuggets and fries and they shared a look before looking back at Y/N. "Yeah, I know I am not the culinary chef your mom is but it's something."

"Ask her to teach you?" Billy suggested as they started to eat.

"I don't think either of us have the time." Y/N told them sadly as the twins just nodded.

"That's why you split up." Tommy stated as Y/N just sighed before heading to the fridge to get them all a bottle of water each.

"Don't get me wrong, I love your mom with all of me but." They took a deep breath. "Sometimes love isn't enough to make a marriage work."

"But you always make time for us." Billy stated as Y/N nodded.

"I do and I always will but my job is highly demanding and well." They leaned forward as they looked at the twins. "I took your mom forgranted and sometimes there isn't no going back from that but we are making this work for the four of us. So please don't ever take this out on your mom because she is the most amazing person in the world and you guys are lucky to have her as your mom."

"We're lucky to have you too." Billy stated as Tommy nodded in agreement.

"You will always have me." They told them as they took the controller. "Now eat." The twins watched as Y/N played on the game for a while until they had to do the dishes.

It was almost 8:30pm when Wanda knocked on the door to pick the twins up. A smile on her face as Y/N let her in.

"They're just finishing the game and they will be ready." Y/N told her as she nodded. "How was class?" They asked her as they got the twins bags ready for them.

"It was good." She told them with a smile. "Thank you." She told them sincerely as they nodded, looking towards the twins who soon saved the game and shut off the console. "Get your shoes and coats on." She told the twins who just nodded with a smile. "What did they eat?"

"Dino Nuggets and fries." They told her with a small smile, Wanda only laughed as she remembered how they would cook that for them whenever they stayed in.

"Of course." She chuckled as Y/N smiled at her. "That is the only meal you know how to cook."

"You can't diss Dino Nuggets and fries. It is the superior meal." They told her as she nudged their shoulder.

"I bet you have a freezer full of them too." Wanda teased as Y/N shrugged.

"We both know that you were the chef in the relationship." They told her honestly. She sighed as she gazed in their eyes before the twins came back inside to give Y/N hugs. "I'll see you at the game on Friday." Y/N told them as they all smiled.

"Thank you for this." Wanda thanked them as Y/N waved her off.

"It's ok." They told her as she hugged them unexpectedly. "I'll see you." With that she left with the twins as Y/N retreated to the empty apartment. Sighing as they looked around before retreating towards their desk, brushing up on the weeks reports before heading into the office the next morning.

Wanda sighed as she entered the empty home, the twins both headed to their room to get ready for bed as Wanda moved to the living room, seeing the picture of the two of them on the mantel. The one of them both at the beach with their friends on spring break. She wore her orange bikini as Y/N wore a novelty shirt and white shorts.

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