Chapter Eight

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Over the next week, Pietro decided to stay with his sister and the twins. Especially with the police coming back and forth, even having Y/N's statement from when they had done it over a zoom meeting. Just recounting the events made their blood boil as they tried everything to keep it together.

"I think this separation is pointless." Pietro stated as the twins were doing their homework. "You and Y/N are meant to be Wanda and everyone who knows the two of you will say the same."

"No." She told him bluntly as she turned to face him, drying her hands on the towel after she washed the dishes. "I get that everyone has Y/N on this high pedestal but."

"But nothing Wanda." He cut her off, stopping her from saying something she will regret. "They risked everything to protect you. Even the hell they went through as they bought this house for you and the twins."

"You knew?" She questioned as he just nodded. "And you never told me a thing."

"Y/N wanted it to be a surprise, especially with the deed being in the twins name." He told her. "They wanted the three of you looked after in case something happened to them. Especially after that night they were walking home when the car was in the shop."

"What night?" Wanda questioned as his eyes widened, realising he had said to much.

"It was the night you accused them of cheating because they wouldn't answer their phone." He told her. "They managed to use a nearby bar phone to call me and ask me for help."

"What happened?!" Wanda questioned once more.

"They were mugged Wanda." He told her. "The guy had a gun and he held it against their forehead as he robbed their phone, wallet and everything that had any sort of value. Even their dad's watch was stolen."

"Why didn't they tell me?" She whispered as he sighed.

"The twins were babies and Y/N was scared of your mood swings because let's face it. You were a real mean woman when you could be." He chuckled as she looked down.

"It was me who faded first." She whispered sadly. "I was the one who pulled away first, it wasn't them."

"Wanda." Pietro tried as she stood up straight.

"I think I've made a mistake." She told him shakily. "No, I know I have made a mistake."

"Then you need to be the one to fix it." He told her sternly as she just nodded, grabbing her phone and sending a simple text. The same text as to when Y/N had told her parents.

'We need to talk.'

She waited all night until she had gotten a reply, laying as she looked at the phone as it a vibrated. Signalling that they have replied to her. Her heart beating incredibly fast as she picked it up.

'After Billy's decathelon, we can have a coffee.'

Wanda smiled knowing that it was going to be as fast as a couple of days. They would be back home in New Jersey in time for Billy's big event. So she soon fell asleep with a memory in mind.

Y/N led Wanda through the house, the one they had managed to rent so they could move out of her parents home.

"I figured this would be a nice well, second home for the four of us." They told her softly.

"Y/N." She whispered as she walked through to the kitchen. "I don't know what to say."

"Just tell me if you like it or not." They told her as they watched her. "If you don't like it we can get someplace else."

"How will we afford it?" She asked them.

"Your dad mentioned he will give us a loan for the deposit and I will be paying him back." They told her. "With my apprenticeship coming to an end, I am getting a pay rise and we can get second hand furniture for now until we save up for brand new." As Y/N rambled on about everything, Wanda just walked around the house, a smile growing on her face before she turned to Y/N.

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