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As Y/N's recovery had been and gone, they had already helped Wanda with everything in regards to the deeds to the store, suppliers, licenses and taxes. Y/N had also taught Wanda a lot of what they know as they helped her decorate the shop. A pastel green and cream, a colour that Y/N had picked out which brought out the colour of Wanda's emerald irises.

They had also treated her to spontaneous dates, whether it would be going to her favourite restaurant or even cooking for them as the twins would be at Pietro's. They had been learning how to cook with the help of Iryna.

But it would be their 15th wedding anniversary and Y/N had wanted to do something special for Wanda. Dressing up in a suit as they went to pick her up from the shop. Arriving just in time for her to close and turn to see them holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I don't think I will ever get used to you surprising me." Wanda whispered as Y/N held the flowers out for her to take.

"I am making up for lost time." Y/N told her as they held out their arm for her to take. "Let me walk you home." Wanda smiled giddily as she walked beside her one under the moon light. The feelings of love and adoration growing within her for the one she calls hers.

"Where are the boys?" She questioned as they turned on to their road.

"Pietro has took them." They told her softly as they helped her up the porch steps. Wanda watched as they opened the door and allowed her in first. Wanda saw a glimpse of the couple they used to be before the twins were born. Her eyes took in the room as Y/N took off her coat. "Have a seat." They spoke tenderly as they pulled out a chair for her.

"Thank you." Wanda smiled as she watched them pour out her favourite wine.

"You deserve to have many more nights like this Wanda and I will make sure you do." Y/N told her before they disappeared into the kitchen to get the dinner.

The two conversed about how their days went, especially since Y/N has also started up their own accounting business. It only caters to small businesses like the bookstore, Harkness Cafè and other small establishments in the village.

Once the two had finished their meals, Wanda smiled at Y/N, watching as they got up and headed to the kitchen to clean up. Soon following them as she saw their jacket hung up on the upper cabinet door. Admiring them as they stood with their shirt sleeves rolled up as they washed up.

"You know, it's been a very long time since we have been somewhat adventurous." Wanda spoke up, causing them to turn to her, catching her with her lip between her teeth.

"And what would somewhat adventurous entail?" They questioned with a raised brow as they dried their hands.

"Well." Wanda placed her glass down before she started to unbutton her shirt. "Fuck me. Right here in this kitchen."

Y/N stepped closer to her and kissed her fiercely, gripping her hips as she wrapped her arms around their shoulders. Moaning once Y/N had pushed her back against the counter, earning a moan from Wanda in response. Allowing them to force their tongue in her mouth as their hands wandered up her body. Their hands finding home on her breasts as they squeezed them roughly as they kissed down her neck. Soon ripping the blouse from her, leaving her in just a bra.

"You are beautiful." Y/N spoke softly as they gazed in her eyes. Wanda's heart leaped at the affirmation before the fire returned to her eyes.

"Fuck me hard." She told them as she reached for their belt, unbuckling it before Y/N removed her bra. The clothes soon strewn across the floor as Wanda was bent over the counter, holding on to the edge as Y/N pounded into her. Hard and fast as she wanted.

Moaning as they pulled her by the hair, her back flush against their front as they continued their movements. Wrapping their arm around her chest as they squeezed her breast harshly, pinching her nipple causing her to let out a lewd moan as she came crashing down, moaning their name as Y/N came shortly after.

Once Y/N had pulled out, Wanda looked at them with a fuzzy smile on her face once she turned in their arms. Caressing their face as they pecked her head.

"Take me to bed." She requested as Y/N replied with a tender kiss before picking her up. Ready to spend the night worshipping her body. Enjoying the sound of her moans and sighs as she came again and again before she collapsed on their chest. Y/N held her close as she closed her eyes, taking in the moment.

Somewhere along the way, they found themselves again. Who they were before life became hectic with raising a family and building a home. Getting ready to embrace whatever challenges life may throw their way. All they know is that now they will go through all of the ups and the downs together.

Family Is Forever (Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now