Chapter Eleven

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Y/N's recovery was slow, but they had a whole family to help them. The twins kept them entertained with stories from school and some things that Pietro had taught them. Wanda glared at her brother as Y/N only chuckled, thanking him for being there for the three of them.

"Are you ready to go home today?" Wanda asked as she started to pack their things.

"I guess, the apartment isn't exactly suitable for this situation." They told her honestly, looking down at their casted leg and arm.

"I thought we talked about this." Wanda queried as Y/N shook their head.

"We only said that the divorce was off." They told her. "Besides, we haven't really had a private moment alone to talk further."

"Well, I guess now is as good as any." Wanda smiled as she zipped up the bag. "I figured you would want to come back home and live with the kids and I? But if you think otherwise that's ok." Y/N smiled lovingly as she rambled on. "I guess we can put the bed back in the basement, you know the one you had in case of an emergency."

"I would love to come home Wanda." Y/N told her softly. "The apartment was never my home, you and the boys were always my home."

"Good." She breathed. "I guess I was just nervous, but we will have to figure out work and getting out of the lease."

"I can figure all of that out when we are home." They told her. "I'll call Pepper and then maybe we can think more on your bookshop ideas."

"What?" Wanda questioned.

"Your bookshop. You still want to open it right?" They asked her as she nodded. "Then we can look at affordable locations, talk taxes and all other expenses. Maybe even look at suppliers too."

"You want to help?" Wanda asked them as they just nodded.

"Well, it's not like I am returning to work anytime soon." Y/N chuckled as Wanda just kissed them passionately, pulling away and resting her head on theirs.

"You have no idea how much I love you." She whispered breathlessly as Y/N pecked her lips once more.

"I love you more." They smiled as she gazed in their eyes.

"Let's get you home before the twins send out a search party." She told them as she moved the wheel chair to the edge of the bed. Aiding them in their movement and finally realising just how much weight they had lost. "The twins are looking forward to you being home. They have a whole movie night planned out."

"I can't wait." They smiled as Wanda wheeled them out of the hospital.

"Also mom is making her famous chicken paprikash for you too." Wanda told them, knowing it is one of their favourite meals.

"I have missed that." Y/N whispered as Wanda smiled.

"I haven't cooked it since you moved out." She whispered as they approached the car. Bucky waiting for the two as he helped Y/N in the passenger seat before folding the wheel chair and putting it in the trunk.

The journey was quiet as Y/N tried to keep their heart beat at a steady rate. The nerves of being back in a car was taking it's toll as they soon closed their eyes. Taking deep breaths as they thought of anything else. Wanda noticed this and started to sing the lullaby she used to sing to the twins. A smile soon formed on Y/N's face as they remembered the first time they heard her sing it. Coming home from work earlier than usual to her holding Billy who just gazed up at her as Tommy lay, sleeping soundly in his crib.

"We're here." Bucky stated as he turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt. Pietro was already out of the door to help Y/N out of the car. Wanda grabbed the bag and followed as Pietro and Bucky lifted them up the porch steps.

"O'pa's here!!" The twins bellowed excitedly as Y/N smiled at them, loving the atmosphere they have created alone.

"We have snacks." Billy started.

"Your favourites!" Tommy chimed in as the adults laughed.

"We have refreshments too." Pietro teased in the same tone as the twins, handing Y/N a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." They smiled as everyone else moved to do their tasks.

"They have been excited since you woke." Pietro told them as Wanda disappeared to help her mom. "They missed you so much."

"I missed them." Y/N spoke quietly. "I guess this is something we needed to become a family again." Y/N joked as Pietro shook his head.

"I think whether or not you had a car accident, you and Wanda would have found your way back to each other one day." He told them as he helped them into the bed, which was positioned to give them a prime view of the whole room. Watching as the twins fought on which movie to put on first.

"How about we have a Shrek marathon?" Y/N spoke up as the twins soon nodded excitedly. Setting up the first movie as they waited for their dinner.

Wanda sat on the chair beside Y/N as the twins sat on the floor beside the bed. Not wanting to be away from Y/N for too long. Pietro, Iryna and Bucky all sat on the sofa as everyone watched the movie together, until Wanda's eyes soon found Y/N's.

"A family is forever." They whispered to her making her smile widen as she shook her head at them before taking their bowls away. Pietro helped her with the cleaning before he took Iryna home.

As they had finished watching the third movie, the twins were starting to fall asleep on the floor.

"Come on you two." Wanda spoke softly as she paused the movie. "Bedtime."

"No." They whined as Y/N smiled brightly, ignoring the pain in their cheeks.

"Yes." Wanda told them both. "O'pa will still be here tomorrow." The two bid goodnight as Wanda took away the rubbish as Y/N sighed loudly, causing Wanda to turn abruptly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." They told her with a smile. "I am just, this is the happiest I have been in a very long time." Wanda only smiled as she retreated to the kitchen, grabbing their meds and a fresh bottle of water.

"Here." She whispered as she passed them the meds and water. "I'm just going to shower and get dressed and I will be right back down."

"You can go to bed if you want to." Y/N told her as she smirked.

"I will be going to bed." She told them. "Remember, the sofa pulls out much better than you." She teased as they just laughed at her.

The two of them had felt the lightest they had felt in a very long time. There was no resentment or hatred brewing. The two only felt the love for each other which grew stronger with each passing moment and Y/N had made a silent promise. Sending in their resignation to Pepper, preferring to help Wanda in her shop instead. Also promising to make sure that she knows how beautiful and amazing she is everyday. Something they had neglected to do in the past as they worked endless hours for Stark Industries.



The epilogue is next. Please let me know what you guys have thought of this book

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