Chapter Four

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Wanda looked over all of the brochures for the local colleges, seeing the night classes for the business course. Of course it was always something she had wanted to do, especially because of her love for books. Even though Y/N had told her to go for it, she still remained unsure.

So once the twins were off to school, she decided to head over to Nat's for a talk. Especially needing someone else's opinion on the idea. So as she explained everything, Nat only smiled at her.

"Do it." She told her. "If Y/N is behind you with this, you should do it." Wanda just sighed unsurely as she sipped on her coffee. "I still don't understand why you both don't want to work on it."

"There isn't anything to work on." Wanda told her firmly.

"You still love Y/N?" She questioned as Wanda only nodded. "And they still love you or they wouldn't have suggested you do a business course."

"I guess." Wanda whispered before she shook her head with a sad smile. "But we are set in getting a divorce after the separation."

"But will you get a divorce?" Nat questioned as Wanda just looked away from her.

"It was my decision to split Natasha and as much as I still love them, this is what's best for us. For our family." Wanda told her confidently as she finished her drink, grabbing her things before she got up and left, bidding her friend a goodbye before heading home to the empty house.

Once she went to their shared bedroom, the picture of the two of them at the cabin in college was sat on the dresser. Remembering how happy and in love they both were in their Sophmore year. 

Both Y/N and Wanda had decided to spend winter break alone, heading out to Wanda's parents' cabin was the perfect idea. The two were sat in front of the fire, Wanda lay against Y/N as she was sat between their legs, watching as the fire burned.

"You know, there's just something about the peace and tranquility here." Y/N whispered as their hands absent mindedly ran up and down Wanda's arms. "It's just a perfect place to be still, to just exist really without anyone expecting anything from you."

"It is." Wanda whispered as Y/N's hands travelled to her shoulders, massaging them lightly. "It's even better with you here with me." She looked in their eyes, a gentle smile on her face as Y/N gazed at her lovingly.

"I love you Wanda." They whispered as Wanda beamed, turning around and kissing them passionately.

"I love you Y/N." She whispered against their lips before kissing them once more. Soon enough their clothes were soon strewn across the floor as the kiss grew more and more hungrier with each passing moment.

Y/N hovered over her as they lay her on the thick fur rug, brushing her hair from her face as she looked up into their eyes, two love struck idiots.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known." They whispered as their eyes never left hers. She played with the baby hairs at the back their neck as she soon pulled them down, kissing them with love and desire, their tongues dancing as Y/N used their hands either side of Wanda to keep from squashing her. Soon moving one hand down her side, fingertips grazing the skin as they felt every dip and curve. Although they had had sex before, this time was different, this was a whole new terrain for the two.

"Oh." Wanda gasped as Y/N's hand reached between her thighs, applying light pressure to her clit as widened her legs slightly, giving them the room to run their hands through her folds, gathering her arousal before they inserted a finger, thrusting at a steady pace as they pressed open mouthed kisses to her neck.

"So beautiful." They murmured into her neck as they added another finger. Wanda arched her back as they curled them, brushing her g spot and making her moan louder than before. As Y/N carried on with their movements, Wanda gripped Y/N's waist as she closed her eyes, her head tilting back into the floor.

"Y/N." She breathed out, squeezing their flesh within her fingers.

"Let go for me angel." They whispered as they continued their steady pace. Wanda moaned lewdly as she came, Y/N slowing down their movements as she calmed down. Once she opened her eyes, she kissed them firmly before she pushed them onto their back, already being on the pill and not needing to worry about searching for a condom, she lowered her already drenched core onto their hardened cock.

The two of the moaned at the feeling before Wanda started to lift her hips before slamming back down. Her hands on their chest as she rode them. Y/N soon sat up as they met her thrusts, holding her body close to theirs as they kissed sloppily. They were a mess of teeth and tongue as Wanda increased her speed.

"I'm so close angel." They husked out as she just nodded. They aided in her movements before the two climaxed, Wanda resting her head on their shoulder as they held her. Their sweaty bodies both relaxing and calming down before the dying firelight. Wanda soon pulled back as she caressed their cheek, Y/N's eyes closed upon the contact, relishing in the loving act before she kissed them tenderly.

Wanda knew that this decision was what was best for the family. Knowing the strain Y/N's job had put on them as a couple. Y/N always came home too tired to do much, so they put whatever energy they had left into the twins. That was always something she had adored about them, even in their most exhausted state, they made sure they had time for their sons.

Even as Y/N had walked into their new apartment, their bags in their hand. Heading towards their bedroom, already in need of buying furniture, they decided to make a bed on the floor out of the blankets they had, using their duffel as a pillow. Lying on their back as they looked up at the ceiling. Wondering were they went wrong in their marriage and why they never sought to fix it and make Wanda feel loved.

As the weeks went on, Y/N had managed to get thd furniture for the bedrooms and living room. Of course it was all second hand besides the twins bedroom furniture. They had decorated the rooms and Wanda had decided to visit before allowing the twins to stay.

So once she had some free time and the twins were at school, she decided to head over. Knocking on the door to be met by a tired Y/N. The bags under their eyes were darker as they seemed to have lost some weight.

"Wanda, hey." They let her inside before closing the door. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure the apartment was suitable for the twins." She told them with a tight lipped smile, although Y/N wanted to scream at the silent implications, they kept their composure.

"I know it's not much but." They shrugged as they sighed. "I have spent the week off work decorating, and making sure the boys room is ready for them to stay."

Wanda hummed as she walked around as Y/N went to the kitchen to make two coffees before following Wanda into the living area.

"Your old PSOne." She pointed to the old console and the games they had nearby. "You got rid of your Resident Evil collection."

"I figured the boys might want to play some games while they're here and I don't want them to be bored." They told her as she took a sip of her coffee. "Besides, it's only until I can get an Xbox for here, and the RE games are in my room because they are most definitely not appropriate for them at all."

Wanda smiled as she tasted the caramel syrup that Y/N had put in her drink. The simple action warmed her heart as she knows they prefer their coffee black.

"This is perfect Y/N." She told them. "They are going to love the rooms."

"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered with tears in their eyes. "I know I haven't said this enough but I am sorry I didn't love you as much as I should have."

"Y/N." Wanda shook her head as she put the cup down on the table. "That isn't necessary, what's done is done and we have to do what's best for the boys." Y/N nodded as they sat down in their chair. "Besides, you should get some rest, you look beat."
With that Wanda bid her farewell as she left the apartment, Y/N flinched slightly as the door closed with the thud resounding throughout the apartment.



A cheeky lil flashback guys. Please let me know what you think.

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