Chapter Nine

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In the midst of trying to race to Billy's decathelon, Y/N had never expected they would be stuck in this position. Hanging upside down as the seatbelt kept them locked in their seat. Forgetting to put their phone on charge, and unable to get to it as it rang consistantly until the battery drained.

Hearing the sirens, screams and yells as the chaos unravelled around them. The sounds of the machines and tools being used as the emergency service worked as hard and fast as they could to get everyone out and free.

Then they soon blacked out for a moment until they come back around, hearing someone call their name.

"Y/N?" Maria called out as she knelt beside the car, looking in through the passenger side.

"Ria?" They spoke weakly as they tried to turn in her direction.

"Don't move ok." She told them as she looked around at the chaos unfolding.

"Billy." They whispered as she gave them a sad smile.

"He's ok. They won by a landslide." Maria told them as they shook their head.

"I broke my promise." They told her. "He's going to hate me."

"No he won't." She told them. "He'll understand." She looked back to see Steve on his phone.

"What?" Nat questioned as she couldn't quite hear him over the noise of the accident.

"Y/N is hurt." He yelled to her. "It's pretty bad Nat."

"Where are they?" Nat questioned as she looked inside at Wanda and the twins.

"They're still trapped in their car. It's a pile up and they a right in the middle of it." He told her as he heard her gasp. "Maria's with them now."

"What do I tell Wanda and the boys?" She asked him.

"I don't know yet." He sighed. "We're still waiting on more hands to come and help get everyone out."

"I can't just not tell her." Nat yelled which caught Wanda's attention.

"What's going on Nat?" She questioned as she left the twins. "Did Maria finally find Y/N?"

"She did." Nat answered as Wanda scoffed.

"What was their excuse?" Wanda questioned defensively.

"They're trapped in their car." Nat told her. "It's bad Wanda. The emergency services are trying to get them out but."

"What?" Wanda questioned as her heart pounded in her chest. Her legs going numb as she held the wall, Nat's lips were moving but she couldn't hear anymore.

Y/N and Wanda raced against time once they had got the call to return home. Already learning that their father had died on impact but their mother was in a medically induced coma.

They waited for hours until they had gotten any sort of word from the doctor. The words 'no brain activity' resounded in their head on repeat. The doctor had given them the privacy to say goodbye before turning off the machine.

Wanda remained by their side through the whole time. When they sobbed as they stood by her bedside, the moment the machines were turned off and she took one last breath.

Y/N stood over her as they looked at her greying face, the cuts and bruises were prominent. Wanda's hand in their own was all the grounding they needed, ensuring that they aren't alone in this time of need.

Wanda remained as she helped organise the funeral for the two. Following their parents request and buring them together. All of their friends and extended family paid their respects. Y/N greeted them all at the wake, a small smile plastered on their face although they were completely shattered inside, but they were too proud to let that show. Only Wanda knew how they truly were, she would hear them in the middle of the night, hiding away in the bathroom as they sobbed quietly. Something that Wanda never really saw, but she made sure they knew she was there for them, through everything.

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