Chapter Seven

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Since Wanda left Y/N's apartment weeks ago, she hadn't really spoke to them. Even when it comes to dropping the twins off or picking them up, she would remain in the hall. This was something that Y/N had found strange.

"I have a business trip in two weeks." Y/N informed her. "Pepper wants me to lead the meeting at the Manhatten branch."

"Ok." Wanda nodded as Y/N watched her curiously.

"What is going on Wanda?" They asked her.

"Nothing." She spoke bluntly as Y/N looked behind them as they waited for the twins.

"Come on Wanda, talk to me." They spoke tenderly as she shook her head.

"I can't do this right now Y/N." She spat just before the twins came to the door with their bags in hand, both hugging Y/N goodbye.

"I will see you at the decathelon." Y/N told Billy who beamed. "I will make sure I am back in time for it." They reassured him as he nodded with a smile. Y/N watched as the twins followed Wanda out of the hall. A sigh leaving their lips as they turned around and headed back inside.

As the hours ticked by, they decided they didn't want to sit on the sofa and wallow in self pity and hatred. So they decided to grab their jacket and keys and headed out. Sending a text to Maria, hoping she would be up for drink and a chat.

"You know, it has been way too long since we hung out." She teased them as they both sat at the bar.

"Well, I just need to get out." They told her as she gave them a sad smile. Accepting the beer from them with a smile. "I just, I have realised that I am truly alone."

"No you're not." She told them softly, already noticing how tired and thin they look.

"I am. Without Wanda and the twins I am nothing." They told her honestly. "I ruined the best thing that had ever happened to me and I can'r fix it because now Wanda won't say more than two words to me."

"Maybe she needs to adjust to this new arrangement too." Maria reasoned as Y/N shook their head no. "Nat has told me that she isn't doing the greatest either. She misses you but the two of you are too stubborn to talk."

"I don't work as much as I used too." Y/N informed her. "Pepper informed me that they were cutting back on my load because of the screw ups I have made." Y/N chuckled dryly. "It's funny how when I have more time, Wanda wants a divorce." Maria just watched her best friend, listening as they spoke, getting everything off of their chest. "Therapy is pointless because all they want to do is prescribe me medication, saying I'm depressed. I know I'm depressed and I don't need a doctor to tell me." They flagged down the bartender to order another two beers. "As well as sleeping tablets because I haven't really slept since I moved out of the house. I get at the most four hours a night if I am lucky."

"I am so sorry Y/N." Maria spoke tenderly. "But you will always have me if you need to talk."

"Thank you Maria but I will be fine." They told her before they changed the subject, wanting to hear about her life and what they have missed.

Y/N spent the majority of their week getting ready for the work trip with the help of Pepper. Making sure they had everything they needed, hotel bookings and everything before they headed to Manhatten, driving for a couple of hours before they reached their destination, hoping to get this job sorted out before Billy's big day.

"So, they have gone a work trip." Natasha stated as Wanda hummed. "Maria was the one who told me about it Wanda, and that you have completely froze them out."

"Nat, I appreciate you coming around but I have a study date." Wanda told her tiredly. "The twins are at Pietro's and I have my final exam in a couple of weeks."

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