Chapter Ten

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Wanda sat with the stick in her hands, looking over the two lines, willing for the other to disappear. Both Y/N and Wanda are still seniors in college and they are beyond unprepared to be parents.

"What's wrong?" Nat questioned as she entered the room, drying her hair.

"I'm pregnant." Wanda whispered, fear evident in her eyes. "And I'm scared."

"It will be fine Wanda." Nat tried to reassure her. "Y/N will be there with you, every step of the way."

"How do you know that!" Wanda asked her. "We never really discussed about kids, or marriage even."

"Do you love them?" Nat questioned her as Wanda stopped pacing.

"With everything I am." Wanda told her. "They are the one person who I see my future with."

"And I know they feel the exact same way Wanda." Nat told her tenderly. "I have seen the way they look at you. The amount of love they have in their heart just for you." She wrapped her arms around her best friend. "And I know you will be ok. Y/N will never leave you and I am sure they will be happy about this."

Wanda hoped that Nat was right, but she never expected Y/N to get out a pad and a calculator, muttering estimations of bills and other things.

"Y/N?" Wanda tried as Y/N rubbed their brow, the crinkles on their forehead as they soon looked up at her.

"I don't." They spoke as Wanda approached them. "I guess I can leave college and get a job. Put you on my health insurance."

"I'm still on my parents." Wanda stated as Y/N shook their head no.

"The hospital bills are going to be a lot Wanda, I still have my inheritance and trust fund to help pay for a better premium." They told her as she moved to sit on their lap, their hands instantly wrapping around her. "I don't want your parents to spend all of their money on these appointments and then the baby will also go on the premium when it's born." They looked up at Wanda as she gazed at them. "We will be fine Wanda, the first year or so may be a little rocky but we will get through it."

"We will." Wanda whispered. "And we will finish college. We have a few months left and the baby won't be due until around Halloween."

"We will be fine." They kissed her tenderly before gazing in her green irises. "Marry me."

"What?" Wanda laughed which soon died down as she noticed their serious expression. "You can't be serious?"

"I am serious." They told her. "I want to be able to call you my wife, besides you are the mother of my baby. So marry me."

"Y/N." Wanda whispered as her eyes stung with unshed tears.

"I love you Wanda, I am so in love with you and I know I want this. Us." They rambled. "I know this isn't exactly the most orthodox proposal but I know I want this. I want all of this." Y/N soon pushed her gently from their lap, Wanda watched as they looked through the small box in their closet. "This was my mom's ring. My dad proposed to her with it and I always admired it. I know this may not be the one you want but it will be a place holder until I can get you a new one."

"This one is perfect Y/N." Wanda beamed as Y/N took her left hand. "I will cherish it for the rest of our lives."

Wanda sat beside Y/N, it had been a couple of days and they still hadn't woke. Wanda played with her wedding and the engagement ring as her eyes never left them.

"You know your dad was furious when you told us about the pregnancy." Iryna told Wanda as she handed her daughter a coffee. "He wanted to kill them for getting his baby pregnant."

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