Book 2-Chapter 1

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Hi, thank you for reading Housemates! Here is the first chapter of the second book. I hope you enjoy.
Two knocks sound at the front door as Alec and Cade exchange glances from the living room where they currently watch the news together. When neither attempt to move from the couch, they question each other about the visitor at the door. It seems they both were not expecting a guest.

Footsteps soon thunder down the steps from upstairs and a head of red, curly hair whizzes by the pair on the couch, stumbling along the way. He breathes heavily upon twisting the doorknob open and pulls the door toward himself, revealing the source behind the knocks.

Alec and Cade crane their necks to get a view of the person who neither seem to recognize.

A tall man who looms over Vincent follows him into the living room while Alec and Cade quickly take in his appearance. He's a foot taller than Vincent, his hair is a shade darker, and his muscles show in the dark blue tank top he wears. He doesn't speak when he approaches them and instead offers a curt nod, his lips forming a straight line.

Vincent places a hand on the back of his neck and laughs. "This is my older brother."

Alec's mouth drops open at the revelation. "You have a brother?"

Vincent forces out another laugh. "Yeah, haha."

Cade snickers and looks up at the taller brother. "Nice to meet you. I'm Cade."

Vincent's brother nods again. "Likewise."

"What's your name?" Alec asks.

"Jay," he replies.

"Jay, huh? I'm Alec," he says. "Nice to meet you."


Silence quickly ensues as an awkward tension arises and Vincent laughs yet again.

"Well, Jay just moved in next door," Vincent explains. "I'll be helping him out for a little."

"Sweet," Cade says. "Need some help? Zion will be back soon as well."

Vincent shakes his head. "It's alright. Just clean up around here a little bit. I might've invited his roommates over tonight."

"Thanks for the short notice!" Alec says, pushing himself off the couch.

"Feel free to invite whoever you want," Vincent says, ignoring Alec's sarcastic remark.

"As if I have anyone to invite," Alec mutters.

Vincent doesn't hear the comment and heads upstairs with his brother, gathering a few belongings before heading next door.

Alec turns to Cade once the siblings leave.

"That dude is the complete opposite of Vinny," he says.

Cade laughs. "For sure."

"I mean, he barely talks. He's ginormous. And so serious," Alec continues.

"I didn't know he even had a brother," Cade replies.

"He never spoke about having one," Alec says. "It's strange."

"Sure is."


Vincent enters Jay's new home and is greeted by a young woman with pin straight black hair. She's wearing a beanie and he notices a piercing on her nose and earrings up her entire ear. She grins happily at the siblings.

"Welcome back," she says. "Need any help?"

"We're almost done," Vincent tells her. "I appreciate the offer, Mandy."

He smiles widely at her.

Looking up at Jay, she searches his eyes for a moment before speaking.

"How are the other two treating you so far?" she asks. "I know how Ryland can be sometimes."

Jay simply shrugs. "They're fine."

She grins again. "Well, I can't wait for tonight, Vinny. I'm excited to meet your roommates."

"They'll be excited to meet you as well," Vincent says. "One in particular actually."

She smirks. "Sweet."

A haunting figure soon arrives from the kitchen, a towel around his shoulders as his bare chest is exposed. His shorts fall below his waist and he yawns.

"What's up, Jay?" he asks.

"Put some clothes on, Ryland," Mandy says, sighing.

"Stop looking, Amanda," he says.

She narrows her eyes. "Don't call me that."

Ryland laughs and returns his gaze to Jay.

"Are you settled in yet?" he asks.

"Almost," Jay replies. "Just have to bring up the couch."

Ryland looks at Vincent before turning back to Jay.

"I'll help you with that," he says.

"Sure," Jay says.

The two heft the couch up the stairs with ease and carefully place it down near Jay's bed. Ryland's eyes wander around the room before he collapses on the couch.

"It's pretty damn empty in here," he says.

"I don't need anything else," Jay tells him.

"Hmm," Ryland says.

When Ryland doesn't make an attempt to move, Jay awkwardly stands by his bed, unsure of what to say.

"Oh, are you waiting for me to leave?" Ryland asks, grinning.

"No," Jay replies, walking over to the couch and plopping down beside him. He grins, the sight surprising Ryland who's mouth twitches.

"What?" Ryland asks.

"What?" Jay repeats. "You're the one who sat down in my room."

"Hah," Ryland laughs. "You're damn right."

Jay doesn't reply and remains silent as he usually does, staring across the room at the television. Ryland shifts beside him, bringing his knees up to his chest.

"You watch Naruto?" Ryland asks.



Jay laughs, the action surprising Ryland once again.

They watch in silence for a few minutes until Ryland hears his name being called from downstairs.

"Jesus," he says, slowly pushing himself off of the couch. He makes his way to Jay's door and pokes his head out, yelling, "What?"

"Get your ass down here right now before I beat the shit out of you, you moron!"

Ryland quickly turns his head to Jay who raises his eyebrow.

"Better get your ass down there," Jay suggests, shrugging.

"Shut up, nerd."

thank you for reading and for your suggestions (:

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