Chapter 16

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My inability to sleep weighed on me like a mountain of bricks. My eyes were tired, I knew that just from how heavy they were and how badly they burned when I blinked in the darkness that consumed my bedroom. It was late in the night and I assumed it was around eleven when Zion abruptly left my room to welcome the visitor at the door. I wondered who traveled here at such a time. I thought Zion said he was done with his hook-ups.

Well, when footsteps sounded just beyond my door, my curiosity sparked and I sprung out of bed, carefully cracking the door open. Of course, it creaked and I held my breath, hoping the sound hadn't caught the attention of the two bodies outside of it. But, the crack wasn't nearly large enough for me to see anything so, I placed my ear against it.

"Nice house," I heard the visitor say to Zion at an attempt at small talk.

"Hm," Zion replied as I heard him open his bedroom door.

I released a sigh upon hearing it close again and shook my head. I wasn't able to see or hear anything of importance. I still didn't know who Zion had brought here.

Anyway, I decided it was time to retire to my bed and placed two fingers on my door, attempting to close it. Shockingly, it was pushed toward me from the other side and I practically jumped at the sight of the person who'd obstructed my effort to close the door.

"Shit," I said, my heart pounding as I stared at Zion with wide, tired eyes.

"Eavesdropping?" he asked me, stepping into my room.

"Well, no," I said. "I was about to go to the bathroom."

Zion pushed the door closed behind him and took a step toward me. "You're lying."

I darted my eyes away, evading his gaze as I stared at the ground. "Sorry."

I heard him laugh and looked up at him again, surprised to see a small smile spread on his lips. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and folded his arms across his chest.

"You can ask me who's here, Cade," Zion said to me. "It's obvious you're curious about it."

"No, I don't really care," I replied. "Just don't be too loud. I've been trying to sleep, you know."

"Right," Zion said and I knew from his tone that he didn't quite believe me. "Well, I'll be back."

"What?" I asked. "It's the middle of the night."

"Yeah," he said. "I'm aware."

He hadn't given me the opportunity to respond before he turned his back and slipped out of my room. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion and sighed again. He was being just as mysterious as always.

Collapsing on my bed, it wasn't long before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. It was a very deep sleep too; I was having intense dreams that were disrupted immediately following the opening of my door once again.

I groaned at my grogginess as I squinted my eyes, trying to see who was entering my room at three in the morning. I couldn't make out his face until he came closer as I smelled the scent of lavender when the boy laid down beside me.

"You're back," I said, turning my head to look at Zion.

"As I said I would be," he replied, staring up at my ceiling.

"Why?" I asked. "Where's your visitor?"

"He left," he told me. "We had a little talk."

"Oh," I said. "Was it a nice talk?"

Zion breathed out. "I wish."

I returned my attention back to the ceiling before replying again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he said. "It was Amber's brother."


"Yeah," he cut me off. "My ex boyfriend."

"Why was he here?" I questioned, again out of curiosity.

"He wanted to explain himself for what he did to me and my sister," he explained. "Of course, I didn't buy a single word he'd spoken but he doesn't know that. The good thing is I won't have to see him again."

"Aren't you upset?" I asked.

"No," he said. "I don't need someone like him."

"Oh," I said, unsure of what else to say.

"Interestingly enough though," he spoke. "He was the first man I shared a kiss with."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Mhm," he said. "Who was yours?"

Embarrassment washed over me in an instant.

"Uh," I started. "Um, well..."

Zion's head turned to me. "Well? Was it that terrible that you don't want to speak of it?"

I returned his gaze as I too, turned my head to look at him.

"No, it's not that," I said. "Don't laugh."

Zion grinned. "I won't."

"You already are," I said with a smile as I softly pushed on his shoulder and he laughed.

"I'm not," he replied, his lips forming a straight line. "See?"

"Whatever," I said.

"Okay," he said. "So tell me."

I couldn't look at him in the eyes and dropped them to my bed.

"I haven't had it yet."

"What?" Zion asked, evidently surprised. "You've never kissed anyone?"

"No, okay?" I said, turning away out of sheer embarrassment. With my back toward him, I muttered, "Don't tell anyone."

"I won't," Zion said. "It's not a big deal though."

"It is for me," I said. "It's embarrassing."

I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder and it gave it a quick tug, causing me to turn back to face Zion.

"What?" I asked, frowning at the older boy.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about," he assured me. "But aren't you curious?"

"Of course I am," I replied. "But I've never had the chance, you know. It'd be nice to get it over with."

"I see," he said. "Don't you want it to be with someone special?"

I shook my head. "At this point, I don't even care. As long as I can say I've kissed someone before."

"Hmm," he said, staring into my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Uh, yes?" I said.

"Positive?" he asked me.

"Yes," I replied. "Why?"

"Like it could happen right now and you wouldn't be upset?" he inquired.

"Basically," I told him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "Jeez, how many times do I have to-"

But my words were cut off in an instant as Zion's hand found my cheek as he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to mine.


thx for reading (:

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