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"He's gone, Layla."

Those words struck Layla to the core as she stared down at the lava. The lava where Tony and one of Moray's guards fell in to.

"We're so sorry, Layla."

Mrs. Nowhere tried to comfort Layla, but Layla slapped her hand away.

"He's not gone. He promised he wouldn't leave me."


Echo started, but Layla started breaking down into tears.

"He's not gone!"

Time passed by. Anthony Toretto was dead, leaving the one person who fell deeply in love with him behind.

Layla secluded herself from the rest of the crew. They just reminded her of his kindness and stupid smile. Now, Layla was still at his grave, wishing that he would just come back to her.

"You said you wouldn't leave me."

Layla hit the ground in anger.

"You said you would leave me here alone!"

"But I promised I would protect you."

Layla turned around to find Tony sitting on a small mausoleum. Her eyes started watering and she quickly wiped them to make sure that she wasn't seeing things.


No answer. Tony wasn't there, and she was just seeing things. Layla's mind flashed back to Tony falling into the lava. His death haunted her and she missed him.

"Tony, come back."

"Layla, wake up."

Layla stirred as Echo was shaking her awake.


"You alright?"


"You were mumbling something about T in your sleep. And you've been crying."

Layla gently touched a line where tears had been falling. Suddenly, her nightmare plagued her mind.

"Where's Toretto?"

"Out. He won't be back for a while. Cisco and Frostee are downstairs playing video games."

Layla looked around and found herself on one of the couches on the second floor of the garage.

"Where did Toretto go?"

"Not sure. He just said that he was going out and won't be back for a while. I can get Frostee to find him if you really need to know."

Trying not to look desperate, Layla shook her hand and got up.

"I'm good. I'm going to clean my face."

Before she could get far, Echo grabbed Layla's wrist.

"Layla, are you sure you're okay? You were definitely dreaming something weird about Tony."

Layla gave Echo a fake smile.

"I'm good, Echo."

Layla shook Echo's hand off her wrist and started to the bathroom. She closed the door and gasped. She had never had a nightmare like that. And why was she so worried about Tony? Tony survived the lava incident, so why was she so worried about it?

Layla splashed some water on her face and cleaned off the tear streaks. Afterwards, Layla went downstairs to get Frostee to find Tony for her.


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