Kim Minji | Birthday

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Y/N had just returned to his cozy apartment after a lively birthday celebration at a restaurant with a bunch of his closest coworkers. As he plopped down on the couch, exhaustion washed over him, and he found himself fixated on the clock.

It taunted him, showing only half an hour left before his special day would officially end. Despite the laughter and joy at the restaurant, there was one thing that was missing, which is celebrating with his girlfriend, Kim Minji. She had gone silent since the day before, not a single text replied.

He couldn't help but let his imagination run wild, worrying that something terrible might have happened to her. Just then, the doorbell rang out like a surprise in a suspenseful movie.

Who on earth could it be at this hour? he wondered.

Peering through the peephole, his confusion grew more as he saw a familiar face on the other side. He swung the door open before she greeted him.

"Happy birthday!" she cheered, thrusting a beautifully wrapped box toward him. He blinked momentarily, but before he could speak, she added with a grin,

"Happy birthday? I'm not late, am I?" She checked her phone, discovering there were still a few minutes left of his special day.

"Aren't you freezing out there? Get inside." he urged,

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Y/N," she began, stepping inside. "My junior messed up her financial report big time, and I had to swoop in and rescue her. I really wanted to let you know, but it was just one crisis after another."

Her words faded as he pulled her into a warm hug, his voice gentle as he responded, "It's alright, Minji. You've had a tough couple of days, haven't you? I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you."

"You don't have to apologize," she said softly. "I should be the one apologizing for not keeping a better eye on my subordinates."

"No apologies necessary," he insisted. "Let's put it all behind us and celebrate together, okay? What about the others?"

"They said they'll come over first thing in the morning. Tomorrow's a day off, after all," she explained with a warm smile.

"Did you manage to celebrate today with someone else?" she asked.

"I did! I went to that restaurant I mentioned to you the other day with my coworkers, and the food was great! Why don't we have our dinner there next week? I'll make a reservation tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan," she replied. She proceeded to the kitchen and placed the cake on a plate before continuing. "And thanks for not being upset with me. I was genuinely worried you might be annoyed that I disappeared."

"Annoyed? I was more worried something had happened to you," he confessed. She chuckled at his response.

"I see. Well, something did happen, but the good news is it wasn't anything serious." She playfully placed a small amount of cream on his nose, giggling cheerfully.

"You're going to regret that, Kim Minji." He retaliated by scooping up a generous amount of cream from the cake, and she sprinted for her life, determined to avoid having cream smeared all over her face.

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