Chapter 1

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My hair was just not cooperating this morning. It's not humid, I didn't go to sleep with it wet, and the ends were cut off last week, so I couldn't identify the cause for the chaos that sat on top of my head.  But it was there, and driving me crazy. And because I used conditioner last night, it was too damn silky for it to stay restrained even if I tried.  After wrestling with it and eventually giving a sigh of exasperation, I gave up and let it run wild. I may as well go to school looking as if I'd just walked out of the jungle. I guess in some way I had. My sheets had clung to my legs and my hair had taken up the appearance of medusa's snakes.  But I was as good as I was going to get. Black belted shorts, worn sneakers and a white pug t-shirt, I just needed a few swipes of mascara to eradicate the dead eyed zombie look and I was set.  It was a Friday, and I had been planning on a weekend of watching netflicks with my friends' Melody and Dakota. But it seems my boss is the Grinch. Only he sucks the life out of the meaning of fun, not stealing things like Christmas. Although I wouldn't put it passed him to have tried. I hated the guy. But not as much as my math teacher. He's the Grinch, she's the devil incarnate. She even knows I hate her, so I swear she goes out of her way to make my life even more miserable than it already is. Exams are in two bloody weeks, and I have to hand in her fucked up investigation thing In relation to this bullshit topic known as miscellaneous, a week before everyone else. I want to kill her. So does everyone else that has ever had the misfortune of meeting her. After a quick bowl of strawberry yogurt, I tossed my bag over my shoulder, called out bye to my mum, and dashed out the door. Today's is my last day before I start my two week study holiday. As much as I love not having to see the ugly gits I attend school with for two whole weeks, I know for a fact I'll be studying all that time. Which is possibly another reason I hate my boss so fucking much. He has me on for a six hour shift tomorrow and a three hour one Sunday. See, no fun.

"I hate my math teacher!" I yelled when I walked into the adjoining study room of the library. It got everyone's attention, and my other friend, Alice, called out in agreement. "I have to hand this fucking thing in" I said as I held up the crumpled piece of paper that refused to do as it was told, and get into my binder this morning. "Today a week before everyone else, and I'm pissed!"

"Who's your teacher?" Leigh asked.

"Ms. Brown." I growled in disgust as I stomped over to where Alice sat in front the heater.  Cue the general groan of disgust that mirrored my own as soon as the she-devils name was said. "I take it you wrestled with your bed and lost?" Alice asked when I plopped down beside her. She was drawing again. "Yep. How'd you guess?"

"You look like medusa."

"Oh gee, thanks" I said sarcastically. Her mouth quirked up in a smile and she paused in her drawing. "So aside from the obvious," she said waving her finger in the general direction that was my hair. "How'd you sleep?"

"I don't know. I had a weird arse dream again." I explained. "You?"

"I didn't." I groaned in sympathy. Alice is an insomniac. She probably started drawing the dragon that was now coming to life on the page, sometime this morning. She got no sleep, and I got more than is socially acceptable. Yet for some reason I was always tired and she never was. We still don't know why. Five minutes of sitting and watching Alice draw, Melody finally walks in. "Hey Banana, Hey Alice." (Banana is my nickname.) She said, sounding way too cheerful for a school morning. We both muttered a reply, and Melody and I launched into a conversation about her youth group camp she was going to tonight. I found out she was planning on playing volleyball, going country dancing, and doing a whole bunch of night activities that made me instantly jealous, and begging her to take me with her by the time we were kicked out the library.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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