By The Tree

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~The twisted secrets and lies that make up you are something I look forward to knowing. Because without them you wouldn't be you, and without you, I would not have loved.~


Apollo's pov:

I couldn't help but smile as I dragged her through the corridors. Hoping that no one noticed us or the girl beside me in particular. I noticed Hestia when we were closer to that horrid garden, though I sensed she stopped following the girl. Truly a mistake on her part.

Y/n, now that we are alone I plan to make you happy. I'm sure of it.

I look back at the girl after walking at a fast pace for a minute. I take note of how she seems out of breath and is having trouble keeping up with me. The look on her face screams 'kill me now.'

"Are you alright?" I at last let go of her wrist and slowed down my steps so that she could walk at a leisurely pace." Her eyes glare daggers into the side of my head.

She was so bold previously and even still so now. The poor girl is either oblivious to how much I overpower her or she simply doesn't give a care in the world. One or the other could hold and I would still find her intriguing,

"I'm fine." I hear her grumble a few inaudible words, I do catch a few curses though. Laughter bubbles up in the pit of my stomach. She's simply not your everyday charming maiden. But that just made her all the more fun to be around from what I've seen so far. "Just. Slow down."

"If it's what the lady wishes I have no other choice than to oblige."

"We're was that logic earlier!?" I only laugh harder at her outbursts.

I was so persistent earlier because she's not someone I looked forward to letting go. I want to milk all I can out of this little interaction of ours. "Fair point."

I stopped in front of the dining room door, it was rather large and heavy. The room wasn't used for food often considering we don't eat. Though food offerings still made their way here on occasion. I'm glad it could be put to use, and for y/n nonetheless.

I push open the door, looking at her I tilt my head for her in a gesture to follow me. In the center of the large room, there sits a long dining table that wasn't used. On top sits all varieties of mouth-watering food.

"Well, choose what you want."

"Yeah no thank you."

I turn my head, "why not?"

I see the girl's head tilt down. I didn't think she could wear a look like that she wore at that moment. "I'd, I don't know feel guilt I guess."

A warm smile falls onto my features. "No need to feel guilt, y/n."

"There's every reason to feel guilty, I have no way of paying you back idiot. I don't like being in debt to others, especially arrogant people." The last part felt like it was aimed at me in particular though I just shrug this off.

"Don't be stubborn. Think of it as me treating you," I'd treat you every day of my life if you'd allow me to. For the first time in a while, my grin meets my eyes.

She doesn't protest any further as she walks to the buffet. Grabbing a golden platter she loads it with bread, grapes, and roast beef. "Please, don't be shy dear."

Her eyebrow raises, silently questioning the name.

I abruptly turn on my heels seeing her plate full. "Let's go." Avoiding her newfound concern. I march to the deck at the end of the room. It was made of stone and had vines wrapping around the withered stone. Beyond it was a small clearing filled with trees and grass.

Once outside I sit on the floor, leaning my back against the old and withered tree that stood strong in a sense. She sits beside me, letting the tray rest on her thighs as she sits crisscross.

She picks at the bread eating it in bits. What an interesting mortal. You are hungry yet barely eat, I've never met a mortal as puzzling as you, y/n.

"You are odd. I can't seem to figure you out." Mortals always seemed so trivial to him, so easy to read. Though for whatever reason he couldn't grasp what you were feeling or even what you might say next.

"I'm not that complicated. Maybe you're just not as smart as you think." Like that, your replies are snarky and without fear despite him being a god. He loved it.

"Maybe I'm not." This brings a smile to her face. What I'd give to see it a thousand times more.

The shade of the tree gives her face shadows. Not ones that were perfect and made her more beautiful. Yet somehow, she looks just more, more...endearing.

I feel my heart beat faster and louder against my rib cage. When-and who has ever made my heart feel like this? It feels like it's sinking yet floating. Like it's beating fast but has stopped altogether. Y/n, why do you have this effect on me?

She looks to me and our eyes meet. I notice the (e/c) in her eyes and the small flecks of gold. I don't think I've seen any quite like hers. Though, I'm not sure if they are beautiful because of the way they look, or if it's because they belong to her.

Her eyes look away from mine and a slight pink coats her cheeks.

"Why did you look away?" She buried her head in her knees as she brought them up to her chest. I wish I could take the words back as I feel they ruined the moment. I can't remember a time where I regret what I said. It's odd how she can make me feel things I never have before despite my many years of living. My eyes never leave her figure as I examine her,

I see her shoulders rock, a muffled laughing coming from her. My mouth opens slightly. I've never heard her laugh. It's a twinkling sound, one I wish to play on repeat in my head.

A small smile forms on my lips, "what's so funny?"

"You, sorry you looked so stupid just looking at me like that." Her laughter becomes louder but is muffled by her face being pressed against her legs.

I scoff and hold a hand to my chest faining hurt. "I? The mighty Apollo look, how do you put it, stupid?"

"Yes. Stupid. I stand my ground." She looks at me, a toothy grin on her face as her eyes sparkle.

"You're full of surprises you know that?" Smile, smile more. Laugh more. I don't think I've heard or seen something just as enchanting. Something that can be so hypnotizing.

"Huh? I just speak my mind. That gets me in more trouble than good." She takes a bigger bite of her bread.

I smirk, "I could only imagine. Hell, you're talking with a god right now yet don't hold your tongue. You're truly fascinating."

"Hey, at least you're getting to know the real me. I could be fake, it's not all that hard you know."

"Yes. I believe I like the real you."

She gives an airy laugh, "Sure."

"What?" I study her face.

Y/ns pov:

I find it hard to believe. "Nothing." I can tell the happy air around us seconds ago started to drip away fast.

He moves closer to me, his eyes looking into mine. "Please, tell me."

"It just-" Am I seriously about to talk with this guy? He's cocky, yet somehow kind. Apollo did treat me to this food, maybe the least I could do was tell him the truth. "It's just that not a lot of people like the 'real me.'"

It sounded pathetic on my lips. I want to shrink, to be nothing. A pink lands on my cheeks. This got embarrassing fast. I look away from him, good going y/n. Now he's going to pull away from you. I just hope he does it subtly.

"Look at me."

I grunt.

"Please?" I move my eyes slowly to look back at him. My lips parted slightly realizing just how close he got. His eyes stared directly into mine with a soft look.

"You should know, those people are missing out on the wonders that are you."

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