A Gods Confession

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Round of applause for you for reading that much. I applaud you. Give yourself a pat on the back and all that jazz.

Anyhow, enjoy the chapter!

~Finding love in the most unexpected places. Kissing toads, hoping for happy faces. Finding love when you don't even want it. Simple glances, whispers in the dark,  wearing your hoodie even when it's too hot. Let's find love, even as the world burns, let's look out for where joy may sprout.~


Y/n's Pov:

I'm quick to set Olive down and race out the door. I need to catch up to her and ask her just where the hell I'm supposed to go!

My hand is quick to latch onto the door again, and swinging it open I step out. My feet are quick, seeing Lilly's figure walk through the hall. She's rounding the corner, I walk fast to try and catch up. I don't think or even consider the daylight that's blinding me.

"Darling!" The name being called out was faint, and my head turned when I recognized the god who spoke. My steps paused for a second, but not entirely. I hear a separate set of feet coming near me in a rush.

"Apo-!" A firm body collides with me, I stumble backward. My back becomes flushed with the wall, I expect him to move, he does not. The cool marble wall presses tightly against my back, in front of me, a body presses against mine. It keeps me place, unable to move.

One of his arms rests on the wall, and the other hand holds onto my arm with a soft grip. His touch is delicate, warm...soft.

He speaks in a cool voice, "What are you up to?" I blink a few times, adjusting my vision at last.

I make out Apollo's face, all of his features. They seem different now that we're closer. Mere inches are between us, his breath is warm as it washes against my skin. His blue eyes that gaze at me are frantic. Something inside me wants to soothe his panic, help him.

Why the hell is he here?

"What am I up to?" The feeling of wanting to comfort him washes away with memories of this morning. "You can't just be acting like this Apollo!" I have no reason to specify, it's as clear as day what I'm talking about.

And that's the fact that he can go from not wanting to be ten feet from me—to wanting to be breathing down my neck!

Like right now...we're very, close.

A sad smile cracked his lips. "That's actually what I'm seeing you for. We need to talk."

"Talk about what?" My temper begins to flare, I force myself to calm down. Remembering my new set of rules. Be respectful. Do I have to be if he's not respectful towards me? "And I don't have time, I'm going to Athena right now."

His eyes darken for the briefest of moments, though the shadow is gone in an instant. "Y/n, please? Can't Athena wait a moment?"

I consider this.

I mean, Athena is expecting me later because technically I'm supposed to be eating right now. So I don't have to be meeting with her. But Lilly said that Athena looked as if what she was going to say was urgent. I don't want the goddess to be waiting.

I sighed softly, finding it hard to breathe in this proximity. "Fine." The people-pleaser part of me finds it hard to argue with him. "Let's make this fast though, I can't keep her waiting."

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