Exiled Glamorously

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~Laugh like the sun won't rise, dance like we won't be able to walk tomorrow. Look into your eyes, touching your skin, doing it all as if we won't breathe for much longer. Holding you in my arms, hanging onto you tight. Every moment with you, let's spend it like the last. You never know when life will take a turn, and I'll see you no longer~


Lydia's Pov:

All according to my plan. I'm somewhat of a genius if I do say so myself.

A small bag is slung over my shoulder, it contains all of my possessions. Things like dresses and combs. From how dazzling I look, people would be shocked to find out I have no oils or ointment.

No people, this beauty is all natural.

Why, if everyone were as pretty as me, this world would be a much lovelier place!

I keep my head held high as I stand in this shiny room.

The place I stand in is the throne room. I know every single room like the back of my hand. I've lived here long enough to know this maze of a palace. In this room, there is a grand chair right against the center of a wall. It's made of a fine material, the chair sits with pride as it's meant for the king of all gods. The room is large, one of the largest in Olympus. The ceiling is impossible to see unless you crane your neck, and when you do look, marvelous paintings are coating it.

There is no other place I'd like to be shunned from. Truly a beautiful exit, suited for a beautiful girl such as myself!

Now, I likely would confuse someone with how prideful I look. But I can't help it! Things are going just so perfectly.

Only, I never thought I'd feel such pride as I'm being banished.

I can only be so prideful because I know my wish of y/n dying won't leave with me. Turns out there is another here who wants her dead much like me.


The goddess took me by surprise. I truly never expected her to be the one to side with me.

I never even liked her, I remember as they brought y/n here all I could think about was my loathing for her. The only reason I got close to Artemis was to get even closer to Apollo.

Though I suppose she's working with me now.

Because of this amazing revelation, I couldn't help but memorize the letter she gave me word for word.

It went a little something like this:

Dear Lydia,

Your misfortunes have reached my ears. You having to leave Olympus when you have been nothing but faithful to the gods is truly outrageous. Y/n is just aortal, attempting to kill her shouldn't warrant offense. I would have been outraged at this attempted murder previously, but I find myself only encouraging this now. Make no mistake, I know I have shown my appreciation for her before, but this is in the past. The girl—as she becomes comfortable here—her true colors begin to show. She truly is a vile abomination.

I regret to say I can't tell you all this in person, but I'm attempting to keep up a front of "liking," y/n. For my brother's sake. You see, this is why I am writing to you. I can't speak with you because not liking y/n is seen as wrong ( proven by you being kicked out). So I'm afraid we will only be able to communicate through letter.

I'll say the main element of this letter to you, I wish for her to be dead as much as you do. Your brilliant Lydia, only I plan to help you.

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