Odd Behavior

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~I'm not going to say your eyes are like a thousand burning suns because they aren't, they are eyes. They are yours, and darling that's what makes them marvelous. With the gaze, you use when you look at me and the way they soften when I'm in a room. Well, don't you think that's worth more than a thousand suns could ever be?~


Y/n's pov:

Not ever, will I get used to seeing all these new faces in such a short time. Also meeting all these important people is just freaking me out at this point. Like, since when was I ever important? I'm not, it's just you'd think I was some protagonist considering how I'm put out splat in the middle of things so much recently.

God fucking damn it, why can't I just catch a break?

"Trust me, I'll be fine." I try a smile on my face, it feels forced and uncomfortable.

"No, you won't, please come with me and stay in my camp." I look down at the hold he holds me by and feel his grip on me tighten.

"Seriously, I promise you I'll be fine." Even though I know this place is filled with dangers, it's easy to sense from the dark aura of the whole damn place. His grasp on me becomes even better than before if it was at all possible. I'm sure it would hurt if I hadn't built up a thick skin.

I sigh, "You're not asking me are you?"

I see a smile lace his lips unexpectedly. "No. I wasn't. I'm glad you're at last seeing reason. I have a friend Patroclus, he can help you get situated at the camp once we arrive." He never lets go of my hand as he begins to walk east.

"Geez, hope he's kinder than you."

"If I were you I'd hold my tongue, I could slash your head off where you stand. And you being a maiden wouldn't help your position." His voice holds certainty, like he was stating a fact. And it probably is.

"Ok, you don't have to be such an asshole about it. And what's with all that weird talk about killing me, I've already had many threats today by stronger people than you so don't add shit onto the pile."

His nose wrinkles, "stronger than me? You do know I am Achilles, right?" The fact that he just thinks he's on top makes me want to hurl. It's honestly embarrassing to think someone just thinks they're the best. Though it honestly fits his character from what I've read in a few books.

I snort, "Yeah yeah, big whoop, keep walking heel boy I want to get to this camp already."

Achilles's eyebrows furrow but he doesn't press further, just continuing to pull me alone, his grip and pace not faltering for a moment even if I couldn't keep up.


Nobody's pov:

All the men at camp stopped what they were doing and looked towards the blond man. They grinned seeing him return, though the smiles ceased seeing the girl following close behind him.

Patroclus looks up from his workstation and his eyes land on the girl rather than Achilles. This would come as a shock to most considering the two were known to be more than friends in secret, to those very few who do know that is.

The camp was placed in a clearing where no trees stood. Instead no more than an inch of grass was on their feet compared to the widely grown grass everywhere else in the forest. Tents stood in rows and workstations were scattered here and there. In the center of it all stands a proud bonfire pit that looked to be overused from all the char clinging to it.

The man with gray eyes stands and marches swiftly to the two. "Who's this, Achilles?"

The girl's attitude changes slightly seeing Patroclus. "Hello, are you Patroclus?" She nudged the man next to her in the ribs, "Why didn't you tell me he was hot?"

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