Here Again

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~I hum as my hand caresses my own. I imagine a person ever so delightful to be by my side. My wife of ten years so happy she was mine. Many laughs and glances were shared in our lifetime as we dared to be together when fate had its odds. I sit alone in a bed missing you my dear. The tune I hum was yours to sing, I grew cold when it no longer filled our halls. Though we are no longer together in life, I can't wait to see you after being apart for some time.~


Y/n's Pov:

I stand once again in Olympus and groan. I forgot how lifeless this place was, I'm already starting to miss the constant buzz of something happening.

My feet tap on the white marble as I take a step back from the two in disdain. I can't believe these bitches took me away without letting me say goodbye!

"So what now?" My words are grumbled as I try not to snap.

The man takes a step closer to me while Artemis just stands there. As he steps closer I take steps back. His eyebrows furrow as we seem to be having a silent conversation. He steps forward again, I take another step back.

"Why the attitude? I would think you'd praise us for saving you and giving you a generous offer." That cocky ass bastard, what I'd give I slap him. I'd probably just break my hand if I tried to cause he's a god and all that bullshit.

"You knew I wasn't from this time, didn't you? And why the hell would you let me leave there without saying shit to them?!" I finally snapped at him with restraint I didn't possess, not even bothering to try and lower my voice as it bounced off the thick walls. I'm still fucking tired from being woken up in the dead of night.

A smirk is plastered on his face as he takes another step to me. I stand my ground this time and reach my full height as I try to keep my chin up and hold eye contact. God this is uncomfortable. For your pride y/n, you can't back down.

"It's not that big a deal. I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain could figure it out with the way you talk and act." He says it so calmly that I almost forgot he's a god and things that seem unlikely are possibilities for him.

I sigh and cross my arms, "That... makes a lot of sense."

"I'd have to agree, your speech is peculiar sometimes," Artemis spoke with a curious voice, in a way I forgot she was here. I was too busy trying to square up with Apollo in a Cold War.

I grumble to myself, annoyed with the whole situation.

"What's that?" Two months, that's all this is, just two messily months! It can't be that hard.



"None ya business." He blinks a few times and his posture goes slack, clearly confused.

This gets Artemis to laugh, her shoulders rocking as Apollo looks at me completely bewildered. My lips twitch, wanting to smile but not wanting to lose the battle.

"Y/n, you make absolutely no sense at times." He sighs exasperated. I found all the charm that he wore moments ago vanish. To think I even thought he was pretty moments ago. Maybe even handsome. But no, he's just annoying.

I speak bluntly, "You're just an idiot."

"A very lucky idiot I am." He smirked and didn't hide his conniving tone.

"Lucky?" What the hell is he even saying?

"Yes. I very much so am. I may be lacking in the head but I consider myself lucky to have met you." He speaks as if his sister isn't there and it sorta pisses me off. Seriously, do gods have no shame?! Well. Zeus is dating his fucking sister. Maybe they don't have shame.

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