Her Prophecy

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~When no one held my hand you would. My words always fell on deaf ears, but with you, I was always heard out. You, you let me feel special when I was ignored by everyone else. Never do I smile as wide with anyone else. Only with you I can laugh and smile so joyously.~


(Meanwhile in Olympus)

Lilly's Pov:

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, recalling that day. The day that shaped the outcome of my life.

The stench of urine had invaded my nose. The smell was rancid mixed in with the hot summer heat. Trash lay at my feet, rats scavenged through the heap. Everything was covered with dirt, including myself. I felt grimy with my matted hair and stained clothes.

I could hear buzzards in the sky, children crying and people asking for spare change.

Poverty, we were in the thick of it.

A sharp slap came to my cheek, red instantly forming on my sickly pale skin. The feeling didn't cause tears to well in my eyes. The girl beside me hadn't been touched, she had never hit a day in her life. Yet she was bawling her eyes out like her life was threatened.

"Out damn it!" The older woman yelled at me. She was the orphanage's leading woman, I could never bother to learn her name. We were only twelve, the women didn't care. The two of us were just another mouth to feed in her eyes.

I bowed my head, "Yes ma'am."

The grey-haired woman spat at my feet, a scowl on her face. "Discragfull children. I've taken care of you, and this is how you repay me. With constant whining and crying!" She muttered, walking back inside without sparing us a glance. The door was slammed in my face, my feet strumbled backward.

Not a day in my life was I ungrateful for what was given to me. Lydia was the one turning her nose up at everything that came her way. If it wasn't up to her standards, she wouldn't accept it. Beggers can't be choosers. She decided to choose anyway, not allowing what little was given to us.

So when the woman heard of a child complaining, I took the blame without a second thought.

Lydia was all I've ever had. I may have been kicked out of homes and orphanages, though I wasn't alone on the markets and streets. No matter where I went or how horrible life was, Lydia was there. For better or worse she was always there.

We both had nothing in a universe of sorrow. Nothing but each other at least.

So naturally as little kids, we stuck to each other like leeches. When you only have one thing grounding you on this earth, you tend to stick with it.

This was the fourth orphanage. We've been through even more homes. Two villages as well. We would go anywhere our feet could take us. No one really could put up with Lydia, as no one quite lived up to her standards. This caused her more harm than good. Mainly harm as she's gotten us kicked out of many places. And if she went somewhere, I went with her.

How we met was a blur. Though I know even in my earliest memories Lydia was always there clinging onto me.

We both stood on the doorstep, Lydia clinging to my side. Her tears fell onto my shoulder and stained my thin clothes. She hasn't said anything. She hasn't for the whole day. No apology to me, not even a thank you for taking the blame.

I brush my palms over her cheeks. I said, whispering all I could muster, "It's going to be okay. We'll find somewhere." Lydia didn't say anything, didn't even nod to show she was listening.

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