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~Soft sounds in the dead of night. Hello my dear, we meet again. I apologize it had to be in a world filled with such little delight. Let me be your umbrella to shield you from the worlds acid rain. To lay my eyes on you once again is truly a treat so it's only fair you receive only the best of things. Might I say good morning or perhaps good marrow? Now that I have you once more I can't promise to let go. So hello once again, I don't plan to say goodbye till the very end~

Y/n's pov:

"So I have to answer that now or can I get back to you on that?" I know the response is bratty but it's all I can manage to say.

I can't think of any other words as sarcasm is my only option left.

Real mature y/n. Acting like a brat.

His smile fizzled out as he groaned, clearly annoyed. "Okay duck. You don't have to give me an answer now, but I exspect one before mid day."

"Why mid day?"

"Because that's when we leave for the meeting. Before you ask-" I already had my mouth open ready for a retort but couldn't as he only continued talking. "-you'll figure it out when we get there. All you need to know at the moment is that all the other twelve olympians will there."

All of them?! Okay, how many have I met so far again? Apollo, Hestia, Artemis, Zeus, Hermes, Eros, Hera and now I can add Ares to the list. Geez it's like I'm collecting Pokémon cards.

That's already a lot as it is and now I'm just adding more names and faces to the list.

What's was my first thought when I got here?

How can I leave.

Not: 'let me try to speed run meeting all the main Olympian god.'


"Wait did you call me duck?! My name is y/n!" And I thought being called mortal was weird.

"I will call you by your name when you have gained my respect. And so far all you have done is squabble and blabber like a duck. So you are a duck till proven otherwise."

I purses my lips, ready to fire off with a sly comeback but decide against it. My hesitation and lack or response plastered a smug grin on his face.

It's not like talking back or having attitude will earn his respect.

Okay Ares, I'll play your little game. I'll need some entertainment in Olympus anyways. Just you wait, you'll respect me in no time! Why I want your respect I'm unsure of. But your starting to grow on me.

Wait a minute. What does he even consider respectable?

He's the god of war y/n, fill in the blanks idiot!

"Ten laps. Go."  My head snaps to him, as if he's asked me to chop off my own head.

"What?" Right, so if he's training me that means physical exercise...


"You heard me duck." He put emphasis on the word just to tick me off. Was it working? Yes.

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